Chapter 33: Journey to the Apocalypse

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November 15, 2226.

The cube transport carrying the ZV-70 took off and headed for the Ibn Battuta, the final carrier of the bomb.

Operation Void Pebble was a go. Ezra was still tormented by the idea that they would have use a weapon of mass destruction, but he felt confident that the plan he and Jaral had devised would spare many lives.

Still, the atmosphere among those who would partake the operation was silent. All they knew was that they were going to assault one of the most defended imperial worlds in existence, and it wasn't even safe to say that they could reach it without effort, considering it was at the end of a space anomaly. One could say only the Krogans and the Mandos had some degree of enthusiasm. The rest of the Jedi Order trusted its two founding members. All-in-all, Ezra felt like they might have a shot at this, but the Force would really need to be on their side.

At least the new Emperor of the Federation did not annul the operation. The Jedi Knight knew that they needed to destroy Project Necromancer at all costs, with or without the ZV-70. However Francesco had sent an encrypted message where he stated that he disapproved of the idea but he understood why his mother had authorized it in the first place, so he reconfirmed that the device could be used.

Camp Garibaldi was bustling with activity. Ezra had no illusion that informants surely had reported to the rest of the UACT that something was brewing. The Jedi intended to say it publicly at the last possible moment because they knew that the Empire had spies among the ranks of everybody except the Federation, so he and Jaral wanted the Emperor to be notified when they would be close to Byss. That would (hopefully) force him to react too quickly and make some mistake that the allies could pounce on.

That was the first part of the plan. Jordan was right to say that it relied too much on luck, but the alternative was to commit genocide.

He was deep into his thoughts when he stumbled upon Luke, who greeted him. "Hey, Ezra."

"Hi, Luke." he replied back with a not entirely convinced smile.

"What's bothering you?" the Padawan asked nicely.

Ezra couldn't help but find it fascinating. How come that Luke had spent two years as part of the Order already, and yet he hadn't lost his almost naive enthusiasm? Perhaps it was the difference in experiences. After all, Ezra had saw his Master blinded and saw Ahsoka died at the end of his second year.

But perhaps, was Luke going to experience a very harsh moment in this very expedition?

He put that thought to rest and gave an answer that reflected one way to put his concerns. "I was just wondering how much will this war test our resolve to do the right thing at any cost."

"If we forsake that idea, then how can we call ourselves guardians of peace?" Luke replied determined.

"We couldn't." was Ezra's calm response. "But sometimes I wonder, what if we don't do everything we need, and we don't win as a consequence? The Sith would still be free to oppress the galaxy."

"Hey. We beat them on the Death Star. We will defeat them even here." Luke decided to concluded on a positive note.

Deciding that he didn't want to discourage his friend, Ezra smiled and said "You're right. Let's get ready."

"I wish Leia and Han would be here with us, though." the young man said.

"We couldn't ask them to come with us. Besides, Leia is the only messenger I trust to explain our reasons to the New Republic and the other nations."

"And if we all die there, she might be our backup plan to rebuild the Jedi." Luke added bitterly.

Some times, Luke could be incredibly shrewd. True, Leia was still Force-sensitive and a responsible adult. If things ended in a disaster, she could help Yoda train the younglings that would remain there on Lothal.

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