Chapter 1: Passage

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January 6.

Accompanied by Thrawn and Kimby exposing the various functions of the control terminals in the room, Iulius strolled in the huge room of the Office of Space Traffic, the control center for the nascent and still small Carunoan orbital navy.

Accompanied by Thrawn and Kimby exposing the various functions of the control terminals in the room, Iulius strolled in the huge room of the Office of Space Traffic, the control center for the nascent and still small Carunoan orbital navy

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"I'm honestly amazed how your people adopted imperial technology so quickly, General." Thrawn complimented.

"We owe our existence to the Empire, Grand Admiral. We wanted to show that we can contribute to it." Kimby stated.

"I'm sure you will do it soon enough." Iulius reassured.

And as if on cue, Yagler entered the room, referring to the Lord-Protector. "Lord Tanis, the Committee is ready to receive you."

"Let's not waste any time, then." he declared marching out of the room.

Followed by the group of officers, Iulius headed straight toward the conference room where the Committee of Defense of the Carunoan State was waiting for him. It was composed of the President, one Tuglas Cromton, and a total of 16 members. Iulius noted with a bit of surprise that half of them were women.

The carunoan people had come out decimated out of the war with the Yavzakh. In particular the female population was now 40% of the survivors, but these humans could not afford to keep them in a 'stay home' condition as they did before the catastrophe nor put them into dangerous works, as they were needed for repopulating. In the last year and a half, women had taken up many bureaucratic and government positions, freeing up many men for service in the armed forces or in mining and farming.

After politely greeting the President and the people of the Committee, Iulius took position at the opposite end of the rectangular table, which was in front of President Cromton and Kimby. Behind the Lord-Protector stood a holo-feed where he was going to show images recently sent by the Inferno and from Moff Gideon.

With Thrawn calmly standing at his side and Yagler ready to operated the feed, Iulius started talking.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. In the last year and a half you enjoyed a period of peace that neither of you probably would have hoped for. The destruction of the Yavzakh has been a great victory not just for you, but for all galactic civilization. However, a new threat is manifesting itself in the dark reaches of Wild Space."

He nodded to Yagler, who touched her datapad, making the lights in the room go out and the holo-feed light up.

The image of what seemed to be an empty colonial settlement appeared.

"These images have been taken by a squad of imperial special forces, the Inferno Squad, on the planet of Parshoone, a planet at the edge of the galactic hyperspace routes and only inhabited by scattered communities. Three of said communities have recently disappeared without leaving any trace. However, our soldiers found a hint."

Yagler touched the pad again and the image changed into showing what seemed to be a small insect into the palm of a gloved hand, specifically the one of Agent Meeko, who took the picture with his helmet-cam.

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