3 • Rainy Day ????️

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Today was a rainy day. It hardly ever rained in Cousins. But when it did, that usually meant movies at home with lots of popcorn.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a muffin. "Morning honey. Want some coffee?" Susannah asked, making me jump. "Susannah! You scared me." I said, and she giggled. "Sorry honey. Coffee?" I shook my head, "I'm okay."

Susannah has always been supportive of me. She says I'm like the daughter she never had. Me and her have a really close relationship. Me and her got along way better than her and Belly did. We always were attached by the hip when I was little. She said I reminded her of herself when she was younger.

"So I was thinking, maybe you and I should go shopping today. You know? A little girls date." She smiled. "Sure. That would be great." I hugged her.

Something felt off about Susannah this summer. I couldn't quite grasp it. She was usually hyper in the summer. She wanted to go all sorts of places. But this summer felt different. Something was missing.

"Hey, Susannah?" I looked up at her. "Ya, honey?" She looked up at me from her coffee. "Is something wrong?" I asked her. She looked at me confused, "No? Why do you think that?" She asked. "No reason. Never mind." I said before walking into the living room and siting on the couch.

I sat in my own thoughts for a few moments before I heard a voice. "Morning, shortie." I look over and it's Jeremiah. "Oh... hey..." I smiled slightly. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I thought you were mad at me?" I said confused. "Look, I crossed the line. I didn't mean to lash out on you." He apologized. "It's alright. I get it." I said.

"Hey! You wanna watch a movie? I can make popcorn!" Jeremiah said lightening the mood. "Of course I do!" I giggled as he walked into the kitchen to get the popcorn.

As we watched the movie, Conrad, Belly, and Steven all walked in and joined us. There was this tension between all of us. But, the tension between me and Jere was more obvious. To me anyway...


After the movie, it had stopped raining. "Hey! Let's go to the pool and play chicken!" Steven hopped up off the couch. Everyone agreed and headed to the pool.

"I'm on Ellie's team!" Jeremiah said and swam over to me. It was me and Jere, vs Belly and Conrad. Steven was the scorekeeper.

"And go!" Steven shouted as I was put on Jeremiah's shoulders. "Push her over!" Jere yelled as we all laughed together.

Eventually, I was knocked off of Jeremiah's shoulders and into the water I went. Everyone laughed as I hit the water.

As I dropped down to the bottom and felt this stinging sensation on my head. My head had hit the bottom. I came up from the water. Everyone continued laughing. They hadn't noticed the blood flooding down my face.

I moved my hand to the back of my head and hissed in pain as I hit the open wound. "Jesus Ellie..." Conrad said shocked at my current state.

Everyone else turned to see the blood on my head. "Oh shit!" Jeremiah swam up to me and examined my head. "I'm okay... I'm alright..." I said feeling a tiny bit dizzy. "Ellie... this is a huge cut." Jeremiah said concerned. "Go get mom!" Conrad shouted at Steven. Steven nodded and ran inside getting Susannah.

"Oh darling! Are you alright?" Susannah came out concerned and helped me out of the pool.

I nodded and she helped me inside. I sat on the kitchen table as she examined my head. "I don't think you need stitches. I'll call the doctor just in case." She grabbed her phone.

"Susannah... I'm okay. I just hit it off the bottom of the pool playing chicken. I'll be alright." I said already feeling better.

"Jere! Take her upstairs. Don't let her fall asleep though." Jeremiah nodded and picked me up. I gasped at how strong he was. He smiled at me and carried me up to my room.

He placed me on my bed and sat down beside me. "Since when are you so strong?" I asked him. "I worked out a lot this winter." He said. "Well, obviously." I laughed. He giggled and we sat and talked for a good hour.

The doctor came and fixed me up and I was good to go. "You sure you're okay?" Jere asked me. "I'm okay, Jere. Stop worrying." I hit him in the shoulder. He smiled.

Jeremiah is the sweetest guy I've ever met. That was the best thing about him...

The Summer It All Changed ~ Jeremiah FisherWhere stories live. Discover now