Seventeen (Pt. 2)

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OMG this took way longer to post than it should have 💀 I've been distracted and procrastinating and busy, im so sorry guys! I'll try to get better about posting , but thank you for being patient with me 🤧🤧. I didn't check for grammar(it's 1:12 am), so sorry if it's bad!

Once the two boys arrived at the fair, Minjae hopped out of the car excitedly, happy to be there. Woosan chuckled as he grabbed the boy's hand, leading him to the entrance and getting in line for ride  tickets.

"Ooh Woosannie, do you think I'll win a prize this time? Last time, I couldn't win that stupid ring game and some little kid won the prize I wanted." He said with a pout.

Woosan laughed out loud and gently pat his head. "I'm sure you'll win something this time, Minnie~" he encouraged, smiling down at him. "And if you don't, I'll make sure to win something for you~" he said with a smile, looking him in the eyes sweetly.

The younger blushed and looked away shyly with a smile.

"Oh, it's our turn!" He said, dragging the boy to the ticket booth, where they purchased their ride tickets before walking further into the fair.

"Ohh!! Hyungie, can we go on that ride?!" He asked, excitedly pointing at a new ride they had.

Woosan smiled and grabbed his hand. "Of course. We can go on any ride you want." He said as they started walking to the ride.

They ended up riding a few more rides together before stopping at a rollercoaster. It was the same one from last time and Minjae was a little hesitant, but when he saw Woosan staring at it, he gave in.

"Woosannie, let's ride this one, okay?"

Said male turned to look at the boy and held his hand gently. "We don't have to ride it, Minnie, I know you don't like this one."

Minjae smiled at the older, he was always so caring when it came to him, making sure he was comfortable and Alright.

"It's okay, Hyung. I want to ride it with you. I'll be okay." He said, making the older's eyes soften.

"Alright, but if you change your mind, we'll go to a different ride." He said, earning a nod. Then they walked through the entrance and into the line.

As they got closer to the roller coaster cars, Minjae felt his heart racing from the nervousness. Of course he was scared, but he was determined to ride the rides his favorite person in the world liked.

Once they got to the front, Woosan helped him get into the seat. He purposefully picked one closer to the middle so Minjae wouldn't be so scared.

He noticed the boy was shaking and felt bad. Knowing Minjae, he'd probably deny it and say he was fine when he wasn't. He was a very emotional and pure soul, and Woosan knew this more than anyone besides the boy's parents.

The blonde gently held his hand, interlocking their fingers and rubbing the back of his hand to calm him down, letting him squeeze it. The younger took a few deep breaths as the cart went up.

Woosan watched over the boy carefully to make sure he was okay. Once they were almost at the top, he nudged him and leaned over a bit so he could hear better.

"Minnie, would you take a look in front of you for a second?"

The boy was hesitant but slowly opened his eyes, turning to where the older was pointing. The view from up there was amazing, the people smaller than ants and the trees surrounding the beautifuly lit park.

Minjae never really liked rollercoasters, but there was no doubt they had amazing views.

Eventually the rollercoaster shot down, and the raven clung onto the older's arm, shutting his eyes tightly while the twists and drops kept happening.

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