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Sitting under a tree in the warm outdoors of the school campus, Minjae lightly scribbled in his sketchbook. He had always had a thing for drawing and picked it up as a hobby. He often drew scenery or random things that just peaked his interest.

Currently, though, he was sketching a person. This person he was sketching was so important to him that he often sketched them and admired them.

The raven haired dragged his pencil neatly across the page, sketching calmly as he relaxed against the tree.

"Whatcha drawing there?"

Minjae screamed, quickly closing the sketchbook and hitting the person with it, being startled.

"Ow! Minnie, it's just me!" The boy said, holding his nose with a whimper.

The young Choi gasped and immediately walked up to the other boy, checking his nose to see if it was okay. "I'm so sorry, Woosanie, you scared me!" He said, gently wiping his nose with a tissue he had in his bag.

"You should really pay attention to your surroundings, Minnie." The older boy scolded. "I might forgive you if you give me a kiss~" he said, pointing to his cheek.

The younger blushed and pushed his face away. "You're fine, Woo." He said, ignoring his request, earning a pout from Woosan.

"What are you doing back here? I thought you were studying this lunch period?" Minjae questioned as they walked towards the school building.

Woosan hummed, shoving his hands in his pockets. "My study partner never showed up, plus, I missed you, too." He said with a playful grin.

The younger rolled his eyes and looked foreward. "cheesy as always, hyung, huh?" He teased, earning a laugh.


Both boys stopped talking when they noticed some people gathering in the courtyard for some reason. When they stepped closer, they noticed that it was Josie, the 'prettiest girl at school' most people would say.

Minjae, however didn't see what was so special about her at all. She might look all nice and innocent, but she sure had her ways of getting what she wanted. He couldn't care less about her and would've walked away right when he saw her, except for one small detail.

Woosan had a crush on her.

Truth be told, Minjae had the biggest crush on Woosan, and he always wanted to see him happy. However, it was hard for him when all the boy talked about was this girl that only cared about money and her looks.

"Woo, I think I'm gonna go to class now.." he said quietly, nudging his best friend. He didn't want to sour his mood already when he was just peaceful, but the older had other plans.

"Wait, Minnie, why don't you stay for a little bit? Please?" He said, giving him puppy dog eyes that Minjae could never say no to.

Sighing, the younger Choi gave up. "Alright." He said, regretting his choice after seeing Josie approaching them.

"Hey boys~" she said, twirling her hair as her friend Hana stood at her side.

"Good afternoon, Josie." Woosan gave them a friendly smile, while Minjae frowned, not wanting to be part of this conversation.

"Hmm, I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me and the girls after school, we're going to the mall and watching a movie after." She said, looking Woosan up and down.

Minjae mentally barfed at how obvious she was being. He knew she just wanted to get into his friend's pants and didn't appreciate it.

"Thanks but no thanks. I have other important things to do." He said, stepping backward.

Josie frowned and rolled her eyes before looking at Woosan and gently touched his arm. "You'll come with us, won't you Sannie?" She asked, giving her evil pleading eyes, knowing she'll get her way.

Woosan hesitated but nodded. "Yeah, I'll come."

Minjae felt a slight pang in his heart after hearing the older's answer. He was a bit sad, as he wanted to spend time with the boy.

Josie clasped her hands together and smiled. "Great! We'll meet after school at the front gate!" She said before turning around and leaving.

Woosan was smiling like an idiot until Minjae punched his arm. "Ow! Minnie, what was that for??" He whined, rubbing the spot that got punched.

"Just because. I felt like it." The raven answered, shrugging before walking away from the older. "I'll see you tomorrow Hyung!" He said while waving.

Woosan gasped and started following after him. "Wait up, Minnie!!!"


Minjae huffed as he poured the chemicals into the test tube. Next to him, another boy had enough of the older's silent suffering and took the tubes, setting them down in the tube holder.

"Alright Mr. Something is bothering you and I don't want your thoughts exploding our project. What's wrong?" The male asked, arms crossed while waiting for an answer.

Minjae looked up at the boy with a frown. "Woo is going to the mall and movies after school with Josie and her friends. I wanted to hang out with him today, but nature had other plans I guess. Loving is hard, Taegyu-ah." He said with a sad sigh.

Taegyu watched the raven sulk and sat next to him, gently rubbing his back. "I know you wanted to be with your crush, but if everybody got what they wanted, there would be more chaos in the world." He reassured the older male, who only nodded.

Taegyu sighed and looked at Minjae. "How about this. When school is over, we can go to your place, and we can play video games all night if you want. I'll even sleep over." He suggested, since it wasn't a big deal.

Minjae hummed softly before side hugging The shorter. "Thank you Tae. I don't know what I'd do without you." He said softly, earning a small laugh from the other.

"Alright, Hyung. Now let's finish this experiment." Taegyu said, and they went back to work on the chemicals.


Once the school bell rang, Minjae took his time packing his things, as he didn't feel a need to rush before leaving the classroom to go outside.

He spotted Taegyu leaning against a wall, talking to his twin sister. He walked over to them with a wave. "Hey Kailey."

The girl turned to him and smiled. "Hi. I was just telling Tae about this project I was doing. I heard he's spending the night at your house, so I'll let Papa, Appa, and Dad know. See you tomorrow, guys!" She said before walking away.

Taegyu looked at Minjae and hummed. "Let's go, Hyung." He said and they started walking.

As they walked, Minjae spotted Woosan talking with Josie and the other girls. He watched as he got in a car with them and drove off. He bit his lip softly to calm himself down, shaking his head and focusing on walking home.

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