"Valentines Day"

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This was supposed to be posted on Valentine's Day but I got distracted with lots of other things like Overwatch season 9 release, live2d stuff, and building a giant snowman with my brother since it snowed last night. Anyways, enjoy!! Sorry if it is a little rushed, I'm really tired and too lazy to edit things sometimes 🤧


Minjae grumbled as he reached for his phone, not wanting to wake from his sleep. He had plans with Woosan for Valentines Day, so he couldn't really get mad at being woken up.

The boy got out of bed reluctantly and made his way to the bathroom, where he took a shower and got dressed nicely, before putting on makeup for today.

The raven hummed softly as he walked down the stairs and into the livingroom, seeing Yeonjun sitting on the floor, putting a cute, overall outfit on Soojun. He and Soobin were taking him with them on their lunch date so that, according to Yeonjun, 'Junnie could have a valentine, too.'

"Morning, Papa and Junnie~" he said, walking over to them and sitting down next to Yeonjun, smiling at the little boy that was sitting up and playing with his toys now.

Yeonjun smiled, hugging his son. "Good morning, my sweet Pea~ how was your sleep?" He asked, kissing his cheek and looking at him happily.

"It was nice. I'm excited to spend time with Woosan~"

Yeonjun nodded before Soobin came inside the house. "I'm back, baby! Everything is ready in the car and we're ready to go." Soobin said, kissing Yeonjun softly before hugging Minjae. "Morning"

Minjae nodded with a smile as Yeonjun got up with the baby. "Alright then! Bye, bye, Minnie. Have fun with your boyfie, but not too much fun!" He said with a wink, before the three left the house.

Sooyeon had gone to spend the day with Ryuji, so he was now home alone. That didn't last for very long, though, as his phone rang.

"여보❤️😘(우산이 )"

Minjae immediately picked up the phone and answered, putting it up to his ear.

"Good morning, Yeobo!" He said happily.

The older chuckled on the other side of the phone from his boyfriend's cuteness.

"Good morning to you, too, my love~. I'm gonna be over to pick you up in just a bit, so make sure you got all your stuff, like your phone, keys, and wallet just in case." He reminded the boy, who nodded.

"Okay, dad!" The younger teased before humming. "I got everything. I'll just wait for you on the porch." He said, walking to the front door to leave.

"Alright, babe. I'll see you in a few, love you."

"Love you, too!"

Minjae hung up before leaving the house, making sure to lock the door. He sat down on a hammock bench they had just bought a few weeks ago, since their old one broke, while he waited for Woosan to arrive.

He didn't have to wait long, because a small, black car rolled into the driveway shortly after. He walked up to it as Woosan stepped out of the driver's seat to give him a big hug and kiss on the lips.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Yeobo~" he said sweetly as he handed him a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates attached to a stuffed animal.

Minjae giggled softly and took them happily,. "Happy Valentines Day. Thank you, Hyungie~ ill give you your presents when we get back." he said as he went to the passenger side.

they both got into the car and buckled up, before Woosan drove off to their destination.


The couple arrived at a large park, not too far away, that had all kinds of things, like a field, playgrounds, sports nets, and other things, all surrounding a large lake.

They got out of the car and grabbed a basket and blanket from the back seat, before walking to an empty spot of the field area, where other couples and families were having picnics as well.

Woosan laid out the blanket and Minjae opened up the basket, taking out two bento boxes and the containers of strawberries and blueberries Wooyoung had given them from his little back yard garden.

They sat down on the blanket, Minjae sitting right next to Woosan with his head laid on his shoulder.

"It all looks so yummy! Tell papa Wooyoung I love it!" He said as he took a bite of the bento food.

Woosan chuckled, also taking a bite. "I will. He loves when you complement his cooking~"

They sat peacefully, watching the passersby and the nature, as they ate their lunch in content. Moments like these where they relaxed quietly were special to them, because you dont need to talk in order to feel each others' company.

Woosan looked down when he felt a poke on his shoulder, seeing Minjae holding up a strawberry to his mouth. He smiled and took a bite, watching as his lover smiled happily, eating the rest of it.

"Aish, you're so cute, Minnie~ how'd I get so lucky to have you as my boyfriend?"

"Because I'm your childhood best friend who happened to have a crush on you~"

Woosan rolled his eyes playfully before attacking his face with kisses before pulling away, his hands gently caressing his cheeks.

"Do you wanna go ride the swan boats in the lake?"

Minjae nodded and they both packed up all their stuff after they finished eating, bringing it back to the car before they head off to the docks where they could pay to ride a swan shaped paddle boat around the lake.

Woosan paid the worker and they got into one of the boats, using the feet paddles to steer and move. They had a bit of trouble at first, but after a while of paddling, they figured it out and synced up.

"This is so nice~" the older said. Minjae hummed, intertwining their fingers together.

"I'm glad we went through all the things we went through, because it made our bonds stronger."

Woosan looked at him, gently squeezing his hand. "Me too. I'm really sorry about everything I've done to hurt you in the past. I mean it." He said in a guilty tone, looking him in the eyes.

Minjae just smiled, kissing him softly. "It's okay, because now we're okay, and I know you won't do it again, so there is no problem."

Woosan smiled slightly and nodded, pulling him closer. "I love you~"

"I love you, too~"

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