Seven (short)

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Minjae woke up later in Yeonjun's arms and had gotten out of bed carefully so he didn't wake him up. He pecked his cheek softly before tucking him in more and leaving the room.

He walked down the hallway to his room, stopping when he heard his name being called.

Soobin came up the stairs with a bag of food in his hands. "I brought you some dinner, since you two were asleep." He said softly, handing him the bag. "Is everything alright?"

Minjae hummed as he took the bag. "Thank you, Appa. I'm alright for now. I just wanna go to sleep in my room." He said quietly.

Soobin nodded and hugged him. "Alright. If you need me, just call, I'll be right down the hall. Goodnight, Minnie." He said, kissing the top of his head before walking to his and Yeonjun's room.

Minjae went to his room and closed the door, sitting on his bed before opening the bag Soobin gave him. He ate his food in silence until he heard his phone ring. He grabbed the device and checked the caller ID and answered.

"Hey Gyu." He said, taking another bite of his cheese Tteokbokki.

"Hey Hyung. You never told me how it went, but by the way you haven't called me yet, I assume not well." The younger said.

Minjae sighed. "Yeah. He didn't believe me and he said some really hurtful things." He bit his lips, frowning as he replayed the words in his head.

"I told you, Hyung. He's not worth it when he said what he said to you. He's too engrossed in his girlfriend to notice his best friend who would do anything for him, and too blind to see how much you care about him and love him." Taegyu said, really annoyed with the oldest Choi's behavior. Minjae was his friend, too and he couldn't stand him being looked down upon.

"Thank you, Gyu, but there's nothing we can do now." He said, throwing his trash away. "I'm gonna go now. I'm really exhausted."

"Fine. I'll see you later, Hyung." He said before hanging up.

Minjae set his phone on the charger before laying down under his blankets and staring up into the stars on his ceiling, tears falling down without his permission.

"I'm such a fool in love...."

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