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To say that the brunette was stumped is an understatement. He really wanted to talk to Minjae and maybe be friends with him again, but it was really hard to do considering they only had one class together.

Suddenly, the door to his bedroom burst open. "Choi Woosan, you are going to be late if you sleep in any long- oh good, you're awake." Wooyoung said as he saw his son sitting on his bed staring into the void, his freshly dyed blonde hair a bit ruffled from drying it after a shower.

" Wooyoung said as he saw his son sitting on his bed staring into the void, his freshly dyed blonde hair a bit ruffled from drying it after a shower

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Wooyoung noticed he was in a trance and walked over to the boy, waving in front of his eyes. When he got no response, he flicked the boy on the forehead, causing him to yelp and hold it.

"Ouch!! Papa that hurt!!" He said, hissing while Wooyoung just laughed.

"Too bad, Woo. Come eat breakfast quickly before you end up late to school!" He said, leaving his room.

Woosan huffed and got up, grabbing his backpack and hoodie before heading downstairs to eat.

The blonde sat down at the table next to San, who was already eating.

"Morning Woo. Did you sleep well?" The older asked, glancing at him from his plate of pancakes.

Wooyoung hummed in response, swallowing his food before answering. "Not really." He said honestly.

"How come? Did you have a bad dream again?" Wooyoung asked, giving him a glass of orange juice.

The blonde boy shook his head. "No. I've just been thinking about Minjae..." he said, and his parents noticed the sad expression on his face.

"Woo. Me and your dad have noticed that you and Minnie have been distant with each other for quite some time now. What happened between you? Every time we see you and him looking at each other with the same sad faces, it breaks our hearts." Wooyoung added, gently patting the boy's hair.

Wooyoung bit his lip softly to prevent himself from embarrassing himself. He was quiet for a bit before his eyes got watery. Wooyoung saw this and immediately pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back to comfort him.

"Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay, baby. Please tell Papa what's wrong, my little flower~" he whispered softly, holding him tight.

Woosan hugged his papa tightly, crying into his chest as all of his guilt and shame came pouring out.

"Papa..... I was such a bad f-friend," he said between sobs. "I s-said such horrible things to him. I knew he was very sensitive, but still said those things to him! I don't deserve to cry, but I miss him so bad!"

Wooyoung looked at San, feeling bad for him. He kissed his forehead gently. "Hey, Woo. I don't know what you said to him, but I want you to know that it will be alright. Maybe you should talk to him." He said, wiping the boy's tears.

Woosan looked up at him with red cheeks from crying and puffy eyes. "Do you really think he will ever forgive me? What I did was so hurtful and rude. He didn't deserve any of it." He said in a quiet voice, feeling small.

"If I know anything about you and Minnie, is that you two were meant to be. If you really, truely feel bad for what you did, you should do everything in your power to make things right. It might be hard, but you have to put in the work and effort, okay?" He said, looking into his son's glossy eyes.

The blonde nodded, hugging his papa again. "Thank you, Papa. I love you."

Wooyoung smiled, hugging back. "I love you too~" he said, rubbing his back,

"Now go to school before I get a call that you're missing!" He said, pointing to the door.

The younger nodded and quickly grabbed his things before running out the door, leaving his parents alone.

San came up behind Woosan, quietly wrapping his arms around his waist in a back hug and laying his chin on his shoulder.

"Do you think he will be alright?" Wooyoung asked.

San hummed. "I do. They have been best friends since forever. I'm sure things will work out in time."

Wooyoung looked at the door, worried.

"I sure hope so."

Hey guys! I'm still taking a break from the 3-4 day schedule, but I wanted to get this chapter out to you guys because you are just so sweet! I love you all, see you babes later!! <3333 


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