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I didn't check for grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors cuz I'm too lazy rn :)

Woosan frowned as he picked at his dinner plate. He had been trying to talk to Minjae for 2 weeks now to apologize, but every time he would approach him, the raven would push him away or straight up ignore him and leave.

His parents seemed to notice how upset he was and San couldn't take the silence anymore.

"Woo. Is something wrong?"

The blonde looked up at him with a frown. "Appa, I don't know if I can do this anymore."

The older raised a brow, taking another bite of food. "What do you mean?"

Woosan huffed, holding his chin up with his hand. "Every time I try to talk to Minjae, he ignores me, or Taegyu pushes me away and guards him from me as if I want to hurt him or something!"

San hummed in acknowledgment. "I see. Well, if you give up, that means you would be giving up on Minnie. Is that what you really want?"

The blonde quickly shook his head. "No! I really do want to fix things with him! I just am running out of ideas." He said, pouting while eating some of his food.

Wooyoung looked at his son for a bit. "Well, if that's what you want, then you better stick to it. If you want to apologize for what you did, you have to show him how sincere you are, even if you have to go to his house and beg for his forgiveness."

Woosan gasped with wide eyes after hearing what his father had said, realizing that he had never tried going directly to the boy's house before. This was a revelation on his part.

"Oh my goodness, Papa! You're a genius!! I can go to Minnie's house tomorrow since it's Saturday and I will try to talk to him!!"

Wooyoung chuckled softly. "Don't thank me, baby. You still have to get past your uncle Yeonjun and uncle Soobin. They probably know already, too."

Woosan nodded, shoveling his food down his throat before running off quickly to bed, not being able to wait for the next day.


The blonde woke up the next morning, bright and early to get ready. He took a long shower, making sure he scrubbed every single inch twice before he got dressed in something casual. As he fixed his hair he noticed one of his bracelets was missing from the plate.

He panicked and looked everywhere, not being able to bare the thought of it being lost.

He frowned, scratching the back of his neck before he caught sight of something under his desk. He quickly reached to grab it, sighing in relief when it was the very bracelet he had been looking for. He slid it on and smiled softly at the little charms on it before grabbing a few of his things to leave.

On his way downstairs, Woosan saw his parents eating at the table. "Bye Papa, bye Appa! I'm going over to Minnie's house." He shouted, waving before leaving.

As he walked along the street, his mind wandered around a bit, wondering if Minjae would accept his apologies.

"Hey, young man!" He heard a voice call out. Stopping, he looked over at an old lady in a flower shop and bowed slightly.

"Hello. Is there something wrong?" He asked politely.

The lady shook her head. "Nothing wrong, persay, it's just that I dropped a cup of rose thorns on the ground, and I have a bad back and bad eyesight. I was wondering if you would be willing to help me out?"

Woosan looked at the time. He wasn't in a hurry today since his only plans were going to Minjae's house, and it was still pretty early, so he nodded.

"Of course. Show me the way!" He said with a smile before the lady brought him over to where she dropped them.

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