Twenty (Pt. 1)

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Minjae hummed softly as he finished getting dressed for school. He grabbed his backpack and went downstairs, seeing Soojun playing on his playmat in the livingroom.

"Good morning, cutie~" he said, holding his little hand before kissing his forehead and going into the kitchen, immediately regretting his life decisions when he saw his parents making out.

"Ew, get a room!" He said, scrunching his nose before sitting at the table to eat the breakfast that Yeonjun cooked.

The older two pulled away quickly and Yeonjun shooed the blonde out of the kitchen before looking at his son.

"Sorry, Pea. Anyways, I have to go to work early today, so I love you and have a good day at school~" he said, kissing his temple before smiling and leaving the room to go finish getting ready.

The raven finished up his food and got all of his stuff ready before the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" The boy yelled before going to the front room to open the door.

When he opened the door, he smiled happily when he saw it was Woosan, who hugged him.

"Good morning, my love~" the blonde said, kissing all over his face, earning giggles from the younger before he pulled away with a grin.

"Ready to go?"

Minjae nodded and the couple walked to Woosan's car, getting in and driving to school.

When they arrived, Woosan parked the car and they both got out, walking inside while holding hands like they usually do.

As the two were walking, Minjae felt like he was being watched. Looking around, he noticed the students in the hall were looking at him, and some of them were even glaring at him.

Woosan seemed to notice the boy was troubled and stopped walking to see what was up.

"Minnie, is everything okay?" He asked, wondering why he looked uneasy.

Minjae snapped out of it and looked at him. "It's nothing, Hyung. Let's go." He said, pulling his boyfriend towards their class.

The first period of the day went through fine, minus a few times when Minjae noticed a few people staring.

However, everything started going wrong during lunch.


"Minniieeeeeeee!!!" Woosan shouted as he hurried down the hall, hugging Minjae when he got to him.

The younger giggled softly and hugged back before they pulled away and walked to the cafeteria.

"Hyung, Taegyu said he's got a project to finish, so he won't be joining us for lunch today." Minjae said while they got in line to get their food. Woosan nodded in understanding before grabbing a tray to get his food.

Once they were done getting their lunches, the couple walked over to their usual table and sat down before Woosan noticed something and gasped.

"Oh my gosh, Minnie! The vending machine is working again! I'm gonna go get some cookies, do you want some?"

"Oh, sure~" he said, and Woosan nodded before he left to go to the machine.

Minjae hummed softly as he watched him walk away. He turned back to the table to his food, but before he could take a bite, he felt a cold liquid pouring down his head and on his clothes.

He gasped in shock before turning around to face Josie, who had an empty juice bottle in her hands, and a smirk on her face as she snapped a picture of the boy in his shocked state, his shirt ruined.

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