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Minjae sat nervously next to Sooyeon outside in the waiting room of the hospital. Soobin had gone inside the room with Yeonjun to help him through labor, so they were waiting. They heard a few screams and yelps, probably from Yeonjun pulling Soobin's hair so hard.

The two teens giggled when they heard the things Yeonjun yelled about wanting to kick Soobin so he couldn't have more babies, then apologies shortly after when he changed his mind.

After a few long hours, they heard a baby wailing before it got calm and quiet and the door to the room opened. The nurse stepped out with a soft smile, waving lightly. "You guys can come in now." She said, moving to make room for them.

The teens quietly walked into the room and saw Yeonjun holding the baby while Soobin was holding his hand, crying happy tears. He was very emotional, okay?

"Pea, Peach~" Yeonjun said with a smile. "Come meet your brother, Soojun~" he said, letting them see the baby's sleeping face.

Minjae cooed, carefully holding the boy's tiny hand. He had always adored babies, and his new baby brother was no different. He decided that he would be a baby hog and spoil him forever.

"He's so cute!" Sooyeon squealed, gently moving hair out of his face.

"Mhmm." Minjae agreed, smiling before gently pecking his forehead. The family cooed and admired the little one for a while longer before it got late.

Soobin kissed Yeonjun softly and pecked Soojun on the forehead before standing up. "I'll go get you guys something to eat since it's pretty late now." He said, hugging the teens and kissing their foreheads happily before waving and leaving to go get their dinner.

Yeonjun smiled down at the newborn, gently petting his hair. "Hello there, sweet one~" he said, gently holding the sleeping boy's hand. Minjae smiled as he watched the two quietly.

The baby was a carbon copy of Yeonjun besides Soobin's heart lips. He had fox shaped eyes and the exact same nose and skin tone as Yeonjun. Anyone could tell he was his son just by looking at his face.

Minjae found it funny how they each looked like someone different but also another person at the same time. Soojun looked most like Yeonjun, Sooyeon looked like Soobin most, and Minjae looked more like his biological father, minus Yeonjun's foxy eyes. Of course, he didn't like his biological father, but it was interesting to think about it.

He also found it cute how his siblings' names both spelled out Yeonjun if you removed the Soo part. He liked thinking about little things like that.

"Pea~" Yeonjun said, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked up at the older with a hum.

"Yes, Papa?"

"Do you want to hold him?" He asked, smiling at his oldest son.

Minjae smiled back and nodded, scooting up to the hospital bed and holding his arms out.

Yeonjun gently lifted the baby and placed him in Minjae's arms. The raven carefully held him and looked down at him, noticing he was looking right up at him.

Minjae smiled as he put a finger up for Soojun to hold onto. He watched the little one smile with his gums on display, looking at his brother from below.

"Good afternoon, Junnie~" he said, carefully rocking him back and forth in his arms. "I'm Minjae, your big brother." He said, moving hair out of his face so he could see better.

"I'm going to take care of you and protect you, okay? You won't ever have to worry about anything." He said happily.

Yeonjun smiled widely at the sight. He was glad his kids were such caring people. He knew they would be kind to everyone they meet and would never disrespect anyone on purpose, and he was proud. He was glad he had such a loving family.


After a while, Soobin had come back with their food. Sooyeon had gotten a turn holding the baby, too, before she gave him back to Minjae so she could eat.

"Minnie, do you want me to hold him so you can eat?" Soobin asked, placing his food on the side table by Minjae.

The younger shook his head. "I want to hold him for a bit longer, Appa." He said, gently fixing his position in his arms so he could eat better.

"Alright. If he starts crying, he might need a diaper change or he's hungry." He said before sitting next to Yeonjun on the hospital bed to eat their food.

Minjae nodded and started eating, talking to his brother and telling him stories, which made him smile and giggle. eventually they both fell asleep, Minjae holding Soojun against his chest securely.

Soobin smiled at the sight, taking a picture of the two before walking over to carefully pick the baby up. He quietly put him in the little basinet and made sure he was comfortable before grabbing a few extra blankets.

He walked back over to the couch and covered both of his teenagers in the blankets, kissing their foreheads gently before walking back to the bed, laying down under the covers with Yeonjun, who immediately wrapped his arms around him.

"Binnie~" he mumbled. Soobin held him close, gently kissing his cheek and moving hair out of his face.

"Go back to sleep, Junnie, sorry for waking you up." he whispered softly. Yeonjun hummed and cuddled him closer.

"love you, Binnie~"

Soobin smiled softly. "I love you, too, Junnie. Goodnight~" he said sweetly, leaning over to turn the light off before drifting off to sleep.

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