Twenty Four (Pt. 1)

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"Oh my god! Minnie you got the highest scores and all of your classes???!! That's so amazing! See? I told you you would get high scores no matter what~" Woosan said, pulling his boyfriend into a bone-crushing hug, kissing all over his face.

Minjae laughed softly, trying to get out of his grip until he was let go of. "Thank you, Woo. You did pretty good, too, though. I'm proud of you too for studying as well, even if it wasn't as much as I did~" he said, holding his hand and continuing to walk down the sidewalk.

Once they got back to Minjae's house the couple shared a sweet kiss, smiling happily at each other before going inside, where they were greeted by Soobin, who had also just gotten home.

"Oh, hey guys! How was school?"

Minjae smiled, hugging the older. "It was alright. Oh! Me and Woosannie both passed all of our exams~" he said proudly, gently squeezing his boyfriend's hand.

Soobin raised his brows and smiled widely. "Is that so? Well, in that case, why don't we have a dinner with all of the families together to celebrate? I'll make sure to call Chan and Jongin, too~" he said enthusiastically. "Is there anything you guys want to eat? We'll do the dinner tomorrow so there's time for everyone."

The couple thought about it for a bit before Minjae spoke up.

"What about Thai food? We haven't had that for a while."

Soobin nodded. "I'll get a reservation going after calling everyone." He said before walking upstairs to his room to change out of his work clothes.

The two teens followed him upstairs, but instead went to Minjae's room, where the older plopped onto the bed, spreading his limbs like a starfish while groaning.

"Tests are so exhaustinggggg!"

Minjae laughed at his boyfriend's actions, putting his bag down before going over to stand next to the bed. "You big baby. At least we don't have to take them anymore for a while." He said, watching the older pout and glare at him playfully before he was pulled down, being captured by the older in his arms.

Woosan chuckled as he held the younger tight against his chest, not letting him escape. "I'm so glad I have you, my personal human battery~" he teased, burrying his face in his lover's neck and inhaling his cherry blossom scent.

The raven smiled, wriggling his arms free so he could wrap them around his boyfriend to cuddle him. "Glad to know I give you energy." He said as they laid there in a comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company.


A few hours had went by and the couple had fallen asleep while watching a movie together.

After a little while, Woosan found himself waking up. As he opened his eyes, he looked over to his lover, a slight pout on his face as he breathed slowly.

The blonde smiled slightly, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. He moved a bit of hair out of the boy's face and placed a soft kiss on his forehead before he carefully climbed out of his hold and got off the bed to go to the bathroom.

When he was done, he decided to take a walk around for a bit. He walked downstairs and found Sooyeon playing with Soojun in the livingroom while watching TV.

"Oh, hey Woo-oppa. Where's Minnie-oppa?" She asked when she saw him, making sure the infant didn't crawl off.

"Ah, he's upstairs sleeping. How have you been?" He asked, kneeling down a little to gently ruffle Soojun's hair a bit.

"I've been alright. Me and Ryuji went to the park and rode the swan boats in the lake yesterday~" she said happily. "I'm glad you and Minnie are together now. He'd been pinning on you before I was even born it seems like!" She said with a snort.

Woosan laughed as well. "Well, I'm a bit oblivious sometimes. I'm just glad we were able to overcome most of the things we have encountered. But yeah. Do you know where your parents are?" He asked, getting back up.

"Mm. In the kitchen, probably making out or something." she said with a scrunched up face, which Woosan made as well.

"Wish me luck, then." He said, high-fiving her before walking towards the kitchen, preparing himself to cover his eyes if the married couple were eating eachother's faces off.

Thankfully, they weren't. Instead, he was met by the couple in a sweet embrace as they slowly swayed back and forth to a song that seemed like it was playing from Soobin's phone, their freshly dyed hair covering their faces a bit. The blonde cooed softly as he watched them in their sweet moment. He was about to leave and let them be until he heard Yeonjun call out for him.

"Oh, hey Woo. Did you need something?" He asked, pulling away slightly from his husband to look at the boy.

"Uhm, not really. I just wanted to see if I could ask you guys something." He said with a slight smile.

The oldest smiled back and nodded, walking over with Soobin's hand in his, standing in front of the boy. "Of course you can, Sweetheart! We're here for you with whatever you might need." He reassured.

Woosan felt comforted by that a lot and hummed. He was happy his best friend had such a happy and loving family. He felt really comfortable around them since he knew them for all these years, but he did get a bit nervous sometimes, since they were now his boyfriend's parents, too.

"Well, I know that you guys are always helping me out and accepting me as Minnie's boyfriend and I'm really grateful for everything you've done for me. I know we're still learning things, but I really, really love your son so much, and I wanted to ask your permission before doing anything." He started, looking at them nervously, especially Soobin, as he was really protective over his oldest son.

He checked the doorway to make sure Minjae hadn't woken up and come into the livingroom before turning back to the couple.

"I would like your permission to marry your son after graduation." He said, playing with the hem of his shirt while looking at the two's unreadable expressions for a bit as they were quiet.

Yeonjun had teared up and looked at Soobin, who nodded, with a big smile, before he hugged Woosan tightly.

"Of course you have our permission!!" He said, full on sobbing now as he squeezed the boy happily. Woosan sighed in relief and hugged back, feeling glad they had accepted.

Once Yeonjun had let go of the boy, he gently held his cheeks and looked at him. "You make my baby so happy, Woo-ah. He loves you so much. The fact that you came and even asked us for permission to marry him, makes me feel so glad and that you love him just as much. I trust that you will take care of him even when we are too old to move anymore."

Woosan smiled before looking at Soobin, who walked over to pat him on the shoulder and ruffle his hair.

"Take care of our son, Woo. If you break his heart, I will chase you to the ends of the earth and cut your dick off." The now brunette threatened with a grin.

Woosan gulped and nodded rapidly. There was no way he would hurt his one true love. He definitely didn't want to get his pp cut off either.

The three hung out for a couple minutes while Yeonjun cooked dinner. Woosan had poured himself a drink of water before he felt a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a cheek pressed against his back.

Smiling, he turned around to hug a half-asleep Minjae.

"Why'd you leave me?" He mumbled, pouting as he attempted looking at the older through his half opened eyes.

Woosan chuckled and pecked his lips softly. "I'm sorry, Yeobo~ I just wanted to catch up with your parents. Let's go back to bed for a bit, uncle Junnie's cooking dinner still~"

Minjae nodded sleepily as Woosan helped him to the stairs.

Soobin looked at his orange haired husband with a smile, kissing him on the cheek quickly. "I think our boy is in great hands, babe~"

Yeonjun looked at the doorway, then at Soobin with a nod.

"Yeah, he is~"

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