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It's the next day. I didn't sleep the entire night and in the morning I had to tell Alia all the details about how it went. The bell rings and I quickly pack my stuff together and run out of
the classroom. Can't be late! As I arrive in the aula as last.

"Sorry I made you wait!"

I try to catch my breath as the 4 guys stroll over to me from the table.

"Nah, don't sweat it."

Bill and Georg holds this fist towards me, which I greet with my own.

"Here. Some water."

Gustav hands me a bottle of water
which I accept thankfully. I reach my hand towards it but instead of giving it to me, Gustav hits it on my head.


He smiles evil as I hold my hurting head.

"That's for lying to us about yourself, cunt."

He hands me the bottle and laughs. Bill and Georg laughed along too. As I drink, I feel a hand snake around my waist and as soon as I lower the bottle, I'm being pulled into Tom's arms.

"Hey there, beautiful."

He kisses my ear as he puts a lost strain of hair behind it.


I look at the ground to hide my blushing cheeks.

"Alright Tokio Hotel! How about you show me your new song?"

Mr. Westerfield claps his hands together and gives us a warm smile. I look at Tom and we both nod, heading over to our instruments. Gustav claps the drumsticks together, counting in the start. Georg then starts with his bass and followed by the sounds of Tom's electric guitar. Me and Bill are singing this one. Tom said right now I should get comfortable with singing and later when I'm more confident I can play on an instrument too. Tom starts with the lyrics. I watch the teacher, feeling nervous. I can't tell what he's thinking. That makes me anxious. I start feeling my voice stuck in my throat again, as Tom reaches for my hand. I look up at him surprised and he gives my hand a squeeze, smiling. I take a deep breath and start my part. After the song is over, we all look at the teacher, waiting for his feedback. He has his eyes closed, thinking. I feel my chest clench together as Tom squeezes my hand again.

"You were amazing!"

He whispers in my ear, his compliment making me extremely happy. I turn around to the guys as they nod, grinning. I smile back.


"Angie. You still have a long way to
overcome your fear but your voice
harmonizes perfectly with Bill's."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I
turn to Tom, who smiles at me and gives me a wink.

"I'm sure the boys will take good care of you. I ask all of you to help her as best as you can."

The 3 boys nod, hugging me from all sides. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder.


I feel tears welling up in my eyes at Mr. Westerfields words. I did it. I made it in. I can fulfill my dream together with my new friends. I'm being forcefully turned to the side as Tom pulls me into his chest and tilts up my chin. He wipes away my tears.

"What a crybaby."

I try to push him away.

"Stop teasing me!"

I feel myself being pulled back into his chest.

"Oh I'm just getting started, katze."

After his whisper in my ear, he tilts up my chin again and kisses my lips.
Before I realize what happens, he parts my lips with his tongue and our kiss grows deep and passionate, making my head feel dizzy and my knees grow weak. As he pulls away, I feel my cheeks explode with heat of
embarrassment. Oh my god... We kissed in front of everyone. Tom smirks at me and looks at the others.

"How about heading over to my place for some Mario Kart?"

I can't believe it, he acts like nothing happened. I feel a hand on each of my
shoulders as Bill, Gustav, and Georg lean in to me.

"Sure thing!"

"Oh yeah"

"You're coming too, right?"

They smirk at me and I feel myself
blush even more. Tom pulls me away from them.

"Of course she is. She's stuck with us now."

He winks at me and takes my hand, kissing it.

"Too late to run now. We're not letting you get away ever."

He and the others have genuine smiles and I smile back.

"I would never want to run from you."

Tom pulls me into his arms, giving my lips another kiss and then all 5 of us leave together for Tom's house. Those 4 helped me overcome my fears and helped me grow, especially to Alia. She helped me. She was the one who started all of this plan and it worked. She was the reason too why I am here now with them. I love her. I feel like this is the start of my very own fairy tale.


The end.

Joining Their Band - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now