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After the class is over, the teacher calls out to me.

"Angie. Is your hand okay now? Or does it still hurt?"

I look at my hand and then at her.

"I can hardly feel any pain anymore. I'm sorry for making a mistake..."

She looks at me, worry in her eyes.

"I know you took notes all the time and I warned you to not mix them. Is there something that's on your

My eyes widen in surprise.

"Eh...n-no... I was just not paying attention... I'm sorry."

She nods slowly and smiles at me.

"Alright then. If you ever have problems, you can come to me."

I nod and smile back and head out of the classroom.

"Angie! God! What are you doing?! Are you okay?!"

Alia jumps at me, to my surprise.

"Alia... yeah... but what are you doing here?"

She takes my injured hand after releasing the hug.

"Tom came to my classroom just now and told me you got hurt. Angie, you really have to be careful!"


Alia nods and takes my other hand.

"Yeah. Surprised me quite a bit. Didn't know where my classroom was. But it doesn't matter. You still want to go to him?"

I look at my hand.


Those words come out of my mouth without me realizing. Alia nods satisfied.

"That's what I wanted to hear. Let's go! We still have a bunch to prepare!"

And after that we head to my home and Alia styles me into Sam.

"Hm.. now what to do with your hand... Can you take the bandage

I shake my head.

"Tom said, I should keep it on for at least a day so the burn wounds can heal better."

Alia is deep in thought.

"Well alright then but I'm gonna re- apply it so he won't recognize it.
Just say you cut yourself or something."

I nod as I lay my hand into Alia's lap and she removes the bandage. I hiss in pain as the air hits my skin.

"Damn. You really mixed some bad
crap together. That will take some
time to heal."

She applies some soothing gel and puts the bandage around again.


I smile at her while she nods.

"Alright it's almost time."

I look over to Tom's window. I hear the others already outside. Alia locks eyes with me.

"You're ready?"

"Ready as I can be."

I give her a confident smile and take my bag with my music sheets and emergency make up. We leave the house with Alia going first.

"Alright. They just went in. Now's your time!"

She waves me towards her and we see the door close.

"Okay! I'm going."

Joining Their Band - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now