I don't know

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"We're home!"

I announce our arrival once we're
in the house and my mom comes out of the kitchen.

"Welcome back girls, perfect timing. Dinner's ready. Go wash your hands and we can eat."

Alia and I grin at each other and start a race to the bathroom. We put the clothes in my closet and run downstairs. I go to the fridge to get some orange juice and Alia grabs 3
glasses. My mom takes care of the
plates. Then we sit down together at the kitchen table.

"And? You girls had fun?"

My mom asks and Alia and I look
at each other.

"Yeah. It was nice. Just hanging around outside."

She nods with a smile.

"Alia, can you help me with the dishes? Angie. please take out the


Alia and I salute and speak at the same time, making us all laugh. I grab the trash and head out, humming to myself like always. God. Is it even allowed to be so happy in your life?
I unlock the trash house and throw
the bag into the container, spinning around and, of course, smash into someone and fall on my butt. Ugh. I have to be more careful. That's the second time now!!

"Sorry, didn't look where I was going..."

I scratch my head shyly and look up just to see the person I crushed into is a very amused Tom.


He smirks at me as I'm completely confused. After a while he reaches his hand towards me and helps me
get up. His pull is so strong so I fall
against his chest, making my cheeks burn with embarrassment. Oh god.. he smells so good... I hear him chuckle and pull away quickly, trying to hide my blushing cheeks from him. He leans into my ear.

"Losing your cool in front of me
again, Angie?"

His sexy, deep whisper of my name makes me shiver and I let out a small squeak.

"What a naughty little girl you are."

I feel his evil grin against my ear as he pulls away and walks to his house.
Wait... I didn't see him throw away

"Angie! What the hell takes you so

Alia calls from the door and I shake my head to clear it and jog over to her.

"Angie! Your phone is ringing!"

My mom calls from inside and I
catch one last glance at Tom's back.
He holds his phone to his ear.

"..Oooh shiitt!"

I start dashing inside, followed by
a confused Alia

"What? Angie!"

I grab my phone, my mom hands me and then Alia's arm, pulling her upstairs and closing the door to my room.

"God Angie, what the hell's wrong

She starts bitching at me, her finger pointed towards me but then she looks down at my ringing phone and gets it.

"What are you waiting for, idiot?! Pick up!"

I'm frozen with fear and guilt. I didn't expect him to call me that early. I thought I still have time... I'm not ready.. Alia lets out a groan and takes my phone.

"Wha-! Alia! Er... h-hello?"

She answers the call and shoves the phone back to me with a huge grin on her face.

"Yo, Sam. It's Tom."

I panic inside and Alia shows me
with a movement of her hands to calm down. I take a deep breath and clear my throat.

"Oh. Hey, Tom. What's up?"

Alia gives me a thumbs up and then looks past me, frozen. I turn around to see Tom leaning out of his window and looking over here. Crap. I motion my head to her and she runs to smash the window and curtains close.

"What was that noise? You okay?"

Tom asks and I panic.

"Eh nothing just uhm, ya know.."

I clear my throat to calm my voice.

"Just wind blew the door closed."

He chuckles, seeming amused.

"I see. Well then. Are you free tomorrow at 3 pm.?"

I turn to Alia.

"Tomorrow at 3 pm., huh?"

Alia nods forcefully.

"If you can't make it, we can move
it to later?"

I shake my head, not like he can see it.

"No. Tomorrow is fine. I will be there. At your school, right?"

He chuckles slightly.

"Actually, no. Not this time. There's
a park nearby school."

"A park?"

I look at Alia, questioning but she

"Yeah. A park. It's really close. If
you want, we can meet at school
and I will show you the way."

Alia, who leans over my shoulder
to listen to the call, forcefully
shakes her head and hands.

"Angie! No! Forget it!"

She whisper yells to me but I don't

"Yeah. Sounds good. Thanks."

Alia facepalms and hits me in the

"God, you're so stupid!"


I yelp at the sudden pain.

"Hey.. everything ok?"

Tom asks over the phone.

"Ah. Y..."

I clear my throat.

"Yeah. I just hit my uh my toe on the bed."

There is a break of a few seconds of silence.

"Poor bed."

He laughs and I fake laugh back.

"Alright then. See ya tomorrow at 3pm. at the school entrance."

"See you then."

He hangs up and Alia smacks me
full force now.

"Owww god what the hell, Alia!"

"Don't what the hell me! How are
you supposed to meet with him if
you have class just as long?!"

I look at my furious friend confused.

"But I don't have to go far... what's
the problem?"

She facepalms and groans.

"God! Angie! How are you supposed to explain to him that Sam all of a sudden comes out of our school building?!"

My eyes widen. Oh my god. Right. I
can't waltz out there like him but I
need somewhere to change..

"Oh no.. Alia.. what should I do?"

Alia thinks for a moment and then a confident grin comes over her.

"I have an idea. We're gonna do it
like this."


Joining Their Band - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now