Sing it with me.

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Tom looks at me, pleading.

"I know it's much all of a sudden but please, Angie. Let's try it out once. If you don't want to afterwards, I will accept it. Please..."

He looks so sad, so desperate...


I try to form a sentence but fail. Tom takes my hands into his, squeezing them. That gesture calms my inner panic attack.


Tom's eyes widen as he stares at me in disbelief.

"You..will do it?"

I nod. I came so far. He accepts me
even after all my lies. I can at least
try, right? He jumps at me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Thanks, Angie! Let's start right away!"

He gets his electric guitar excitedly. I touch my cheek with my hand, feeling extreme heat in it and butterflies in my stomach. Tom sits down on the couch and starts playing. His eyes lock with mine. After a while he sings with his heavenly voice. To hear it from so
close up.. he sings only for me..


You flew down like an angel from the heavens and became my light


His eyes flicker over to the music sheet with my lyrics written on there.
Guess it's time... I close my eyes and take a deep breath. As soon as I hear him play the notes on the sheet I shyly and quietly start singing, feeling his
eyes on me.

I want to soar on the wings of freedom, but the loneliness keeps me on ground


Tom smiles at me and I smile back, feeling my anxiety slowly fade away as I continue.


You saved my wings from disappearing-

We are woven together by fate, yeah


Tom sings his line. I look away from my sheet into his eyes, feeling free as I continue to sing from my heart.

I'm gonna reach for the stars

Just you and me

Although they look really far

You're meant for me



take a glance at the lyrics and then look back into his dreamy eyes.


The sky with stars so bright

I'm meant for you

I never felt like this

Come take my hand

We're gonna reach for the stars




I brush some of my hair away shyly.

"Tom, this song is beautiful."

He smiles at me, tucking the strain of hair I tried to get away but failed behind my ear.

"Almost as beautiful as you."

I blush at his words and hear him

"I love making you shy. You're so cute."

He kisses my cheek and gets up, stretching out his hand towards me.
I take it and he pulls me close to him, having one arm around my waist, he holds up my chin with the other hand.

"It's late. Should I bring you home?"

I shake my head shyly.

"It's not far. I can walk by myself."

He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Wrong answer. I'm taking you. Let's go."

He opens the door and we head down the stairs, him holding my hand in his.

"Mom, I'm gonna bring Sam home, gonna be back in a bit!"

"Okay! Stay safe you two!"

His mom yells from the closed kitchen. Tom takes a jacket from the closet and throws it over my shoulders.

"It's gonna be too cold for just these clothes."

I look down on myself and nod shyly.


He smiles and kisses my forehead. Then he takes some keys and puts on a jacket himself. The walk to my house goes way too quick. We stand in front of the door, him still holding my hand. He lifts my hand up and kisses the back of it. Then he closes the distance between us.

"Goodnight, my angel. See you tomorrow at school."

He gives me a kiss on the cheek and releases my hand. Then he strolls away to his house.


Joining Their Band - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now