My First Last Date

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People fear the strange and unusual. Unfortunately, this includes congenital defects that significantly impact one's appearance. Yet what do you do when a person's behavior makes you think that you might be dealing with something other than human?

Question: How creepy could a retired archeologist get while testing the gumption of his only daughter's boyfriend? Especially if he actually likes the boy.



Cat Tales

Fascinated, Samuel Kane examined his surroundings while sitting on a teak sofa upholstered with water buffalo hide. This living room resembled an antique curiosity shop. The room even smelled the part: clean yet antique, with hints of saddle soap and sandalwood.

O! The stories this museum of oddities could tell!

"Dr. Laramie? I love the décor. The shelving... The paneling... I'm guessing — walnut and mahogany? Art deco? World War II era, probably."

His date's adoptive dad was sitting to his right. The scruffy, old man was dressed in baby blue pajamas and a burgundy bathrobe. His misshaped, yellow mug contained some unknown, crimson beverage.

"She made that mug? It's cute."

Dr. Laramie chuckled. "A good eye, and good manners. You're close, though. Korean War era."

The man pointed at a dark, withered trophy. "Hooked that mermaid myself."

Samuel smirked. "Was it half howler and half steelhead? Both male, by the way."

Dr. Laramie gave Samuel an exaggerated evil eye. (Kinda creepy, actually.) "Son, it's as true of a lie as any I've ever spun!"

Samuel shrugged. "What to say? Gatina gave me a virtual tour yesterday."

"Did that include the dungeon, the dragon, and the moat?"

"Actually? Yes." Samuel laughed. "She has a wonderful imagination! Sir, I love that about your daughter. But... Um. Is her name Spanish for a little cat? I mean, with her face and all?"

"Her . . . face?"

"Stop. Sir, she's beautiful, cute, and totally bananas. She's perfectly imperfect."

"With a face that can stop a clock."

"Stopped my clock, sir. She's a good kisser, too."

Dr. Laramie glared at Samuel. "Son, no dad wants to hear that about his only daughter!"

"-sorry-" (Cough.) Samuel's letterman jacket felt suddenly muggy. "I'm parched. Where can I get some water?"

Dr. Laramie stood up. "Allow me, my young architectural historian. Used to be an archeologist myself! Ought to be able to excavate a clean cup in my own house!"

The man tossed back his drink, leaving a red milk-moustache on his upper lip. He looked into his mug, and then over at Samuel. "Relax. It's nobody you know." Then he toddled off.

He returned with a blue, stained coffee mug. Samuel accepted it with silent grace.

Dr. Laramie grunted before saying, "Polite, smart, and good looking. A dangerous combination, young man. Avoid the whiskey, or you'll set the world ablaze."

Suddenly, the retired archeologist scowled. "I found Gatina whilst exploring the Orient. Yeah, yeah: not PC! I get it! She might be Cambodian. She lived in this abandoned temple. Not to Kali. Not traditionally, at least. Her face... The statues had her face. Not exactly. She ain't that old."

He absently raised his left hand to his chin. "They got her eyes wrong. You can't capture liquid fire in cold jade. If they had... If they had..."


"Daddy! You're scaring my boyfriend! Wait until we're married and have twenty million children! Then you can scare him all you want to!"

As the old man toddled away, he called out, "Remember what I've taught you! Always play with your food before eating it!"

Samuel glanced at Gatina's sharp teeth. "He's kidding, right?"


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