Dog Daze Afternoon, pt 1

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Definitions, Homestead versions:

[Reference dictionary: none. Obviously.]

Bunnies: super cute, bouncy, 6-legged furballs ... that sometimes carry infectious disease.

Hares: less cute, bouncy, 6-legged furballs ... that sometimes carry infectious disease.

Rabbits: simply huge, bouncy, 6-legged walking rugs ... with impressive fangs and claws.

Who sometimes think that — humans — carry infectious disease!



just in case you've forgotten

that I'm a horrible person...



You're welcome.

Planet-moon: Homestead.

Oregon Territory. Eastern Oregon Territory, in particular. A desert, specifically.

By desert...

Read: a humungous kitty litter box ... for wild, Siberian, saber-toothed, calico cats...

• Without the box.

And with fewer trees than a troll has nose hairs. (Wait. That describes a tropical rainforest.)

Never mind.


The adobe, county courthouse nearest the blue pine tree where Doggie-sama tried to hide from the police. (She thought that they were dog catchers!) A dog pound... Bad memories...

To a dog, a kennel can be a maximum-security prison! But having your jailbreak facilitated by the scariest "thunderstorm?" EVER?!

• Now —that's — a waking nightmare worth barking about!!

Presently: 2 law enforcement officers are having a ...decreasingly... polite argument


So -not- a lovers' spat! [But they've donned matching black kilts: stylish.]

[Just saying.]

Ok! Ok! It's part of the "Black Kilts'" uniform! Obviously.

"Black Kilts." It's kinda sorta...

Maybe in the organization's "official nickname." [But it's still stylish.]


Ok! Ok! Not exactly "regulation," but hey...


The tall, rumpled detective still had a black eye.

[His condition was curtesy of a very special werewolfy werewolf. Who super missed her pet human!]

His patience was as frayed as his hair. His annoyingly female (and terrifyingly gorgeous) companion was being ... um ... a total garbanzo bean. Truth be told, flushing her special agent badge down a toilet was O So Tempting!

Especially While She Is Wearing It


She: "Wait. The werewolf... She learned to speak, what, five languages? In her sleep?"

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