PART 4: Über-Munchkins And Other Tall Tails

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[This anthology is a modification and expansion of a previous anthology that I'm unsatisfied with. This section had its analog in my first anthology (which I'll likely unpublish).

[Some of the stories in the original section are being relocated. I want them to become their own fiction projects — either as novellas or as novels. 

[Hence, this section is liable to be rather short when compared to the original section.]

This is the fourth major part of this anthology. This is where I'll concentrate on various topics and characters that may, or may not, further my primary superhero project.

As always, this anthology is a testbed. Herein I investigate origin stories and interesting bunny trails... That may lead to either greater things or be one-hit wonders.



To use a nautical metaphor, a ship must be in motion before its relatively small rudder can steer it. This anthology is part of my effort to gain forward momentum in my writing career.


P.S. Ever have one of those days when everything seems like a sight gag? And it doesn't matter whether or not you're blind . . . or you simply forgot to open your eyes?

As for myself, I've lost my mind a few times. So...


That's why I want to buy my brain cute, little booties and a quality dog leash.

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