Anika Ulu: Rebel Without A Clause (1)

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This is a continuation of that last chapter, but with a changed point of view.

So the drama.

Translation: If this was a soap opera, then the bubble bath would be overflowing.



Counterpoint: In military parlance, PTSD (posttraumatic stress disorder) was once called "shellshock" for a reason.

(And, no: shellshock isn't about electric turtles!! Who contrives such nonsense?!)


Uh. Yeah. Moving right along...


Note: during recovery, laughter trumps shrieking.

But yodeling is a safe midpoint.


Point of order: I've known a few people with PTSD. 'Tis a very, very unpleasant condition. I've never been diagnosed with it. Yet I've weathered a few meltdowns: ouch.

Hence, methinks, laughing in the face of mental adversity can put a psychiatrist out of business — 1 client at a time!

Just a thought. 🙂

Anika Ulu was wearing her "prettiest?!" nightgown.

You know: the 1 with blue daisies and pink, 6-legged unicorns on it. (Ahoy, suns! Happy day! Think happy thoughts!)

She quietly arose from her futon. Time to prepare for work! (She loved her job!)

Halt: raise arms! sniff armpits!! "Ew!!!"

(note to self: same bra? 12 days?? maybe... not such a good idea???)

The agenda: shower, shampoo, check manicure and pedicure, scarf a scrumptious breakfast, feed the roach... What else?

(Other than watch that-there bra sprout legs before crawling away.)

Hmm... An epiphany, in 3-part harmony:

1) She and her teenaged houseguest didn't know each other's names!

2) An utterly utter breach of hospitality!!

3) How totally brain missing of her!!!

Like: duh!!

• ?? -that-smell-

Sniff, sniff... Ok. Time to wash Roachy Roach's favorite sock! (Why-o-why didn't that wee beastie -crave- something spicier, like catnip or oregano??)

Wait! Silence... Her guest! Where -is- that girl?

"Little sisterhood? Time to get vertical!"

No. Answer.


Anika Ulu shivered. Her throat tightened. "-sisterhood-hello-hello-"

The bedroom? Is she in the bedroom? Obviously not. The living room, kitchenette, or mudroom? No, no, and no! Not even in the water closet! (As in: whoever would put a toilet and bathing station in the same room? How! Barbaric!)

Wait... Back to the kitchenette! Why was the floor by the kitchenette damp?

Huh. If her girl was homeless on purpose, maybe she had simply — left! But, but... Without any goodbyes?

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