PART THREE: The Breach

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I must have squirrels infesting my brainpan because the following is a bag full of mixed nuts.

However, comma:

• If I'm going to have my own superhero project, then I'm going to have to reevaluate my style.

Hyphens, for instance. I use them a lot. But have I been using them incorrectly? Does it even matter?

Also, zombie gerbils. I'm underusing them.


Shame on me.


I've numerous inspirations for developing superheroes. Yet I'm reminded of a certain, infamous lawsuit. See, there were 2 famous comicbook superheroes who flew and wore capes. There were a huge number of differences between them. Even so, the result was a protracted legal battle the likes of which I want to avoid.

Look. I confess to turning over many proverbial rocks to see what character ideas slither forth.

And yet I've little interest in creating "balanced" characters. Nor do I want a quota of "acceptable" gender identifications or sexual orientations. Or quotas of any other character traits.

• Character quotas have as much appeal to me as herding cane toads. Or eating squid lip soup ... YUM


Diversity? Absolutely! Tackling various social issues? Certainly.

This is still a quota free zone.

"Not even quotas dealing with zombie gerbils?"

Nope. Ain't happening.



Maybe a quota on bad puns...

Wait!! Who Am I Kidding?!

You can never have too many bad puns.

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