PART TWO: Foundations & Paradigms

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This part of this anthology concentrates on my superhero project. I'm developing several key timelines. I'm also developing several key settings. Frankly, I could spend the rest of my writing career expanding this project. 

I'm also contemplating developing a roleplaying game that could support multiple genres and multiple settings. By the way, I'd rather have permission to use an existing game system, perhaps one that's otherwise out of print.

Video games and graphic novels could be fun, but I'm not quite there yet.

This being an anthology, what details make it into novels, etc., may differ from what's herein. Additionally, my research is incomplete.

For instance, I had a pretty clear plotline for Arlina Sofia Ryker (um) to "evolve" from being "gifted" to being "heroic."

First, some real-life physiological conditions can be quite helpful despite having a few negative consequences. Some genetic variations grant minor advantages, make a person distinctive, or both.

Second, I added some more severe consequences. This gives Arlina significant problems to overcome — both solo and with others' assistance.

Third, I've several characters with autism spectrum disorder, an incredibly diverse condition that can coexist with other neurological conditions. Hence, I can generate unique characters with unique potentials, quirks, and personalities.

Fourth, American style superhumans often have a traumatic event that motivates them to become either super-heroic or super-villainous. Superhuman abilities are often collateral effects.

Well, for several reasons, I've reevaluated how Arlina gets supercharged.

1) It's a voluntary event rather than an involuntary event. Rather than her being a "victim," it's, "CHILD!! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!"

2) Adolescents don't always think things through, particularly during what to them is an emotionally charged crisis.

3) Fact: boys frequently do crazy things to impress girls, especially if a crush is involved. Methinks, a girl can be equally brain-missing when crushed out on a boy. (Teenybopper hormones are utterly radioactive and overly carbonated. Just saying.)

-glowing- -bubbles-



"Macbeth!! Stop it!! You're creeping me out!!"

When Arlina finally admits to herself that Ragnar Thorson is the bee's knees, she's confronted by 3 harsh "realities."

1) Her body's natural ability to express emotions is severely blunted (due to a nearly flat aspect).

2) Without significant medical intervention, her getting pregnant might be impossible.

3) Any pregnancy would likely end in a C-section, but that could be correctable.

• Maybe.

Hence, when she discovers that 1 of Lord Gairon's experiments could potentially heal her brain completely, she becomes temporarily obsessed. She even self-administers the "cure."

However, comma, it's actually an experiment in trying to chemically transfer memories. An error in setting up the "treatment" results in administering the entire experiment. It also imprecisely calibrates the anesthesia.

While the initial side effects are worrisome (especially from the anesthesia), she has a temporary remission from most of her autism. Fortunately, there's some lasting, symptom improvement, plus her feelings toward Ragnar get clearly established...

• By a nose! Snicker, snicker!

So... Romantic...


(Ahem.) It's cogent that the partially successful memory transfer significantly increases Arlina's prowess as a martial artist. Arlina won't be a hyper-powerful superheroine. She'll consider her mental prowess to be superior to her physical prowess. Her healthier brain will noticeably improve her physical, sensory, and mental capacities. Still, the improvements are not improbable.


The accident / experiment doesn't permanent cure her autism or her blunted aspect, so most of both conditions return.

Ragnar won't mind. Why? Because she already had his attention. (For a second opinion, ask his nose!) Some first kisses are the stuff of Myth & Legend.


True heroism isn't about being victorious.

It's about not giving up when it truly counts.


To be clear, my paradigm shift is towards Arlina being more actively self-aware and self-governing. She's more responsible for her own choices, successes, and failures. I plan to use this paradigm shift to reevaluate all of my characters.

Besides, although Arlina is a genius regardless of her autism, she can still do stupid things. Why? Because she's human. And we humans are capable of such profound stupidity that it makes spinach green with envy.



"Spinach is naturally dark green."

My point exactly. I rest my case.


As for Lord Gairon:

A man must control his appetites...

Or his appetites will control him.

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