Chapter 20: Finishing Prep Work

Start from the beginning

Ocean Warrior: 'How? We haven't been able to get control of your body back and the deletion process is starting, just look at your face.' she said.

Indeed both of them had seen much better days, the bottom right of Marga's face was just a digital grid of black and red similar to a corrupted video game model and her left foot was beginning to look similar. 

Marga: 'We haven't tried getting my body back together.' she stated, 'We can try doing that.'

Ocean Warrior: ' we can't.' she said, coldly. 

Marga: 'Why not? Every time I suggest that you shoot it down, why?!' she demanded. 

Ocean Warrior: 'Just because.' she replied, turning around to walk away.

Marga then gripped her shoulder and spun her around.

Marga: 'Why?!' she demanded again. 

Ocean Warrior: 'Because if we do, you're a goner!' she yelled. 

Marga took a step back. 

Ocean Warrior: 'The way we kansen work is that whenever a host takes on a ship their personality is erased, replaced by the ship's, the cube inside you will delete you anyway and I'll be given your body maybe your memories but that's only happened once.' she said, 'This is another reason the Siren want Andy, he still has his personality.'

Marga looked dejectedly at the floor, all the hope she was feeling slowly sapped away.

Ocean Warrior: 'I'm sorry, but it's the truth.' she said, grabbing Marga's shoulder, 'I wish it was different but it isn't.'

Warrior let go of Marga's shoulder and turned to walk away only for Marga to grab her arm.

Marga: 'No....we're trying it.' she snapped, 'You said hosts are humans who look up to and love a certain ship, I never took much interest in you guys so maybe I'll be an exception to the rule.'

Ocean Warrior: 'I-I mean there's a chance but...' she trailed off.

Marga: 'Warrior, we will get out of here.' she said, determinedly, 'Even if I have to die so you can live.'

Now it was Warrior's turn to tear up.

Ocean Warrior: 'But what about-?' she started. 

Marga: 'Don't worry, he's been fine without me for 10 years...he'll be fine without me for another 10.' she said, putting up the best fake smile she could.

Warrior embraced her host, crying for a few moments, if Terminator heard anything she made no indication of it whatsoever as she entered the throne room and kneeled before the Empress. 

Terminator II: "You wished to see me your majesty?" she asked. 

Empress III: "Yes Terminator." she said, slowly floating down from her throne, "I have just been briefed that your target, which you failed to capture twice now, has just made his flashy appearance in the city, care to explain?"

Terminator II: "I was on patrol ma'am, I was only notified of the target's appearance when he attacked my convoy." she replied, "He took me by complete surprise and took off before I could-?!"

Terminator was cut off when a salvo from Empress III's riggings wizzed past her head, narrowly missing and obliterating the wall behind. 

Empress III: "No, that is not what I want." she said, "I want you to tell me how both you and your predecessors were such utter failures that your target has all but toyed with us for Months." 

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