"Who is it?" Will asked.

Lukas stood up and started excusing himself to the basement bathroom. "It's Max, hold on. Be quiet."

Dustin rolled his eyes and helped Mike restack the tower. "He's way too obsessed with her."

"You're obsessed with Susie." Will teased.

"That's different, Susie is my girlfriend. She likes me back. Max, she..."

"Well she called him, so she must not completely hate him." Will pointed out.

Dustin shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. Not everyone can have such a perfect relationship, like me and Susie."

"If I hear the name Susie one more time–"

Will covered Mike's mouth. "Oh be quiet, you used to talk about Jane all the time."

Mike pulled Will's hand away and sighed. "That's different..."

"Wonder what Max wanted?" Dustin looked towards the bathroom door.

"I don't know, but it's not our business." Will reminded them.

Lukas was sitting on the edge of an old bathtub, it didn't even work properly anymore. "Just take a deep breath, I can't understand you. What's wrong?"

Max sniffled and steadied her breathing. "I'm in the hospital, I think I broke my arm."

"You think?" Lukas stood back up.

"I haven't gotten an x-ray yet. Can you come wait with me?"

"Who brought you?" Lukas was admittedly a little afraid of Max's family. Based on gossip he heard.

"Billy, but Neil told him to drop me off and let me deal with it." Max cleared her throat.

"Okay..." Lukas would curse Neil's name later. "I'll be there soon as I can. You're in the waiting area outside the x-ray room I assume?"

"Yes. Could be a long wait. There's another kid ahead of me that broke his arm."

"Aw, okay. I'm leaving now. Don't panic." Lukas hung up after she did and walked out of the bathroom. "I'm sorry guys, I have to go...Max needs me."

"Dude, really?" Mike groaned.

"She's in the hospital, Mike." Lukas said just to watch the look of regret form on Mike's face.

"What happened?" Will frowned.

"She broke her arm, I have to go." Lukas grabbed his jacket and rushed out of Mike's basement faster than he ever had. Before he knew it he was in his car and driving to the hospital.

When he got to the hospital he found a parking spot surprisingly fast and walked in. He asked a nurse where the x-ray room was, and he followed the signs and lines on the floor until finally he was in front of his soulmate.

"Thank God." Max breathed out like she had been holding her breath. "I hate a lot of shit, but hospitals are high on my list."

"I bet." Lukas slid into the seat next to her. "How did it happen?"

Max shook her head and gave him a look. She didn't want to discuss it, not here and now. "Just comfort me, asshole."

Lukas looked down at the arm Max was painfully holding tight to her body. "I've never broken a bone, how bad is it?"

"If I could kill myself, I would." Max looked Lukas in the eyes, wondering why he hadn't taken advantage of this opportunity, and threw his arms around her. "You don't have to be afraid to touch me, I'm already broken."

Lukas slowly put a hand on her shoulder. As if he were playing Jenga again, and didn't want to send the tower tumbling to bits. "I don't like hospitals either, I might be terrible company."

"No, you're fine." Max let her eyes close so she didn't have to look at his handsome face any longer. It was making her want to be his girlfriend again. Or maybe it was the pain making her think spontaneously. "I need to call Billy to pick me up when it's all over. You'll have to be gone by then."

"Okay, but why?" Lukas had a feeling he knew why, but asked anyway.

"My brother won't like seeing a boy with me..." Max left out the part where Billy now thought Lukas was Max's consistent boyfriend that she was sneaking out at night to see and make love to. "You'll get a lot of grief for it, it's just better you go before he comes."

"Okay..." Lukas started to speculate that Max was injured by her stepfather or maybe Billy, but he knew she wouldn't admit to it here. She may never admit it, but he had a better chance in his car. Alone, with her.

Max was just getting comfortable enough to lean into Lukas, when her name was finally called. "Great, my turn to get radiated. Can't wait to get cancer one day."

"Shh." Lukas hushed her insensitive joke and stood up to walk her to the door. "I'll be waiting out here, you'll be fine."

"Of course I will." Max acted like she was fine even though she wanted to cry and curl up into a ball in her mother's arms.

Lukas went back to his spot and sat down. He pulled out his phone and texted the group chat. Max would see it later, but he wasn't trying to keep it a secret.

The mostly gays

Lukas: She's okay.

Will: ❤️ tell her I love her and I hope she feels better soon!

Mike: 🥺

Will: 🥺 I love you too

Lukas: Not the time!

Dustin: What happened?

Lukas: Not sure yet, she hasn't mentioned it.

Dustin: Okay?

Will: It's not our business yet.

Mike: 🥺

Will: I can see you pouting across the room!

Lukas: Y'all are in the same basement, stop texting! 😭 I'll talk to you as soon as I know what's going on with Max!

Jane: I'm alive!

Jane: What's wrong with Max?

Will: she broke her arm.

Jane: 😖 HOW

Mike: Lukas will update us

Jane: Okay 🥺

Will: How you feeling?

Jane: I can't breathe through my nose 😃

Dustin: 🤢 get better soon. Just don't give us whatever you have.

Jane: I'm going to sneeze on you :)

The Touched And Untouched {Lumax} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now