His heart is broken.

I don't know how I know this, but I do. My betrayal of his trust is nothing compared to the realization that the love he thought he shared with someone was a lie.

Checking my phone on my way to the car, I find three missed calls from Olivia. I put it on mute before I met with Nico or I would have heard it.

She picks up my call on the first ring. "Mr. Marin, please you have to help me," she says. She sounds panicked, nearly hysterical.

"Are you all right?" I look around for my car. "Where are you?"

"I'm ... I'm downtown. A cafe. The, uh, the Cherry Orchard. I didn't know where else to go."

"Are you hurt?"


"Okay, good. Will you be safe there for a few minutes until I get there?"

"Yes, please hurry."

I called my driver to bring the car around, then put in a call to Kate.

"Did she say what happened?" she says, alarmed, after I told her what Olivia told me.

"No. But she's safe for now and in a public place. Can you meet me there?"

"Of course. I'll leave now."


"Everything was a mess," Olivia says, her voice trembling with shock and fear. "They ... someone just trashed my apartment. Like they were looking for something. I don't know what exactly they thought... oh, Mr. Marin, it was horrible." She sobbed into the handkerchief I gave her. "I felt so... violated."

Gingerly, I squeeze her shoulder as she sobbed. "It's going to be all right, Olivia," I say. "And I said you can call me Raul. I'll get to the bottom of this and make sure you're safe."

This has to do with Saldana's murder, I'm sure of it. Did Olivia witness something? She denies seeing anything except the dead body, but maybe she saw something she wasn't aware of.

"Thank you ... Raul."

"It's a good thing we moved you to a hotel. You were right to listen to your instincts. You felt unsafe at your home and you told Kate about it." And Kate was right to move Olivia to a hotel with no questions asked. My jaw clenches in anger. It's almost as though after centuries of being on the receiving end of men's violence, women had become adept at recognizing a dangerous situation when they saw one. It never occurred to me that Olivia might be in danger in her own apartment after the incident with Saldana. I got to the coffee shop first and, after speaking to Olivia, asked Kate to meet us at one of my apartment buildings instead. It's legally owned by an offshore account that won't be traced back to me, something I've kept in case of emergencies. Like this one. The hotel she was staying at was probably safe enough but keeping Olivia at a property I owned will make me sleep better at night. "We're almost at the apartment. I'll have my staff pack your things at the hotel and deliver it to you there."

She sniffs. "I'm just too much trouble, aren't I?"

"No. This is my responsibility too. None of this is your fault."

We drive in silence to the apartment.

"Oh, this is way too nice, Mr. Ma— Raul," Olivia says as we step inside the penthouse of the Las Arenas building.

"It's the safest in the building," I say. I hold up the key card. "No one can come up here without one of these," I add as I hand it to her.

She stares at it, then around at her surroundings. I had the place professionally decorated and spared no expense with the furniture and decor, as it was going to be a safe house in case I or any of my relatives needed one. "Where do I sleep?"

"Come on."

She follows me to one of the four bedrooms. I picked the one with the most feminine decor, with a four-poster bed and cream and gold curtains. "Every room here comes with its own en suite bathroom. If you don't like this one, you can use any of the other three." I hesitate. "It would help if you agree to file a police report."

Fear flashes in her eyes. "You think I should?" she says, a slight tremble in her voice.

"This could very well have to do with Saldana's ... case. The police will need to know, it will help with the investigation."

She nods. "Do we go now?"

"No, no. You've had a shock. You should get some rest and we'll see how you feel tomorrow. Is that all right?"

"Thank you, Raul." Her lower lip trembles and tears well in her eyes. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

I take one of her hands, squeezing it gently. "You're going to be all right, Olivia. We're going to get to the bottom of this and everything will go back to normal. Okay?"

She starts to nod but a sob rises from her throat. Before I knew what was happening, she rests her head on my chest. "I'm sorry. I'm just so scared, Raul."

Instinctively, rub her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her. "How about I have my doctor come to see you? She can give you a sedative to help you sleep."

"No, please, no doctor." Her arms go around my waist and she clings to me like her life depends on it. "I don't ... I just don't want to see anyone I don't know."

"I understand." I smooth a hand down her back, relieved to hear her sobs become quieter. "Can I get you something to help you rest? Tea?"

"No, don't go, please."

I hear the muted sound of footsteps. And I know without looking that it's Kate.

"I'm here," I murmur into Olivia's hair. "I won't let anyone hurt you."

.   .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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