Tokio Hotel

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It's a normal school day so I get out of bed and take a shower. After taking my time, I get dressed and put on some light makeup. Then I made my way down to the kitchen with the smell of pancakes in my nose.

"Morning honey. Slept good?"

My mom notices my arrival and turns around to give me a smile. I smile back.

"Morning mom. Yes, quite good. You?"

She nods. Turning back to the pan.

"I also slept well. Anything interesting going on in school today? Any tests?"

I think a second before answering.

"Nope, nothing special except that Tokio Hotel is making a small concert at lunch break."

She places the plate of steaming pancakes in front of me and a jar of jam next to it, together with a cup of chocolate milk. I smile at her thankfully and start eating.

"So why does this band play in your school?"

My mom gets herself a plate and sits across from me, curious about the new formed band I'm obsessed with recently.

"Well, they're all from my school. They formed in the music club and got along so great that they just started to be a real thing. And the school wants to support that."

She nods, taking a fork full of her

“And? How are they? Any good?"

I laugh at my mom.

"Yes they're amazing. I really like them. Their music feels like magic."

I lower my head.

"I wish I could be like them."

I feel my mom's hand over mine, making me look up into her smiling face.

"Honey, you are really great. I often hear you sing in your room."

I fake smile at her, hoping she would buy it. She and Alia, my bestfriend keep telling me that but they're just trying to be nice about it. They don't want to hurt me. I look up at the clock. It's 6:35 am. My bus comes in 10 mins. I get up and clean my plate before grabbing my bag. After putting on my shoes, I give my mom a hug.

"See ya later, mom."

"See ya, sweety."

She waves to me as I walk to the bus stop.

I put on my headphones and let Tokio Hotel play. They're just a small thing right now but my school let them use the studio to make a CD to give to the students. While sitting on the small wall, waiting for the bus to arrive, I saw Tom strolling around the corner.
He's the Lead Guitarist of Tokio Hotel and my neighbour. His smile is angelic and I wish I would have the courage to talk to him. But I don't. He probably doesn't even know, I'm going to the same school or that I live next to him. As I arrive at school, I head to my locker. Someone jumps at me from behind, making me squeak as I
crush into the wall of lockers head on.


I hold my head, rubbing it so the pain goes away.


A small voice from behind me speaks up and I turn around to her.

"Yeah you should be! What if I'm even more stupid than I already am now?"

We start laughing and hugging.

“Morning Alia."

"Morning Angie."

Joining Their Band - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now