Chapter 4

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It was the next day, Teo and Chad had just got done with football practice. They were heading to where their girlfriends were talking, and Teo and Tara made it official again last night after they got home from the police station and the group was happy for them, especially Chad. Tara made Teo call Quinn to tell her that he didn't need the hookups anymore, everyone in the group knew they were so it's not like Teo was surprised she knew about it. The boys were still in their football gear but had their helmets and cleats in the bag they have, they never feel comfortable changing in the locker room anymore due to their scars. It was just a big reminder of what happened to them and what Amber had caused.

(Without the helmet, cleats, or gloves. They have running shoes on instead)

Tara and Luna were talking before looking over and seeing their boyfriends pushing one another around, laughing. " You know, I'm happy for you and Teo. He hasn't been himself for the past couple of months. I don't know much but I over headed him and Chad talking one night when I spent the night at Chad's, seemed like he was having a panic attack." Tara looked at Luna as she talked, not knowing any of this " I never seen Chad get up so fast before to check up on him, Teo and him become like brothers that night. Chad slept in that room and just held Teo like an older brother would hold their little brother after a nightmare. It was nice to see actually" Tara's eye softened as the listened with a small on her face, she's noticed how close the two boys have gotten since the death of Wes. The two were glued to each other's hip whenever they could and it was a nice sight.

" Well isn't my beautiful girlfriend from drama club" The two girls turned and saw Chad running over with his arms open wide, Luna laughed before getting up and running into his arms. The couple swayed back and forth both with smiles on their faces. " Thank god I'm not a third wheel anymore, this is the shit I had to deal with before I got back with you" Tara heard her boyfriend say which caused her to chuckle She got up and hugged him before placing a kiss in the crock of his neck like she used to do, Teo cupped her face with his hands. Tara watched as his eyes moved around her face slowly before making eye contact with her " You are beautiful" He said softly which caused the nasty shade of red to come up Tara's cheeks.

" Yo, where is everyone else? I thought we were meeting them here?" Chad questioned, he took off his jersey before grabbing the hoodie Luna had held out for him " Mindy texted me a while ago saying they were picking up Quinn from her new boy toy so they should be here soon" Teo told the group " You still have her number?" Tara questioned with a raised eyebrow " Yeah, but ill delete it if you want me to." Teo told her " No. no, I trust you. I was just surprised" Tara told him which made him nod.

*time skip*

" We are here bitches!" The group of 4 turned around and saw Mindy, Sam, Ethan, Quinn, and Anikia all walking toward them, Teo smiled at MIndy and waved at her which she returned. Once the group got close enough Mindy notice what Teo was still wearing " Are you still wearing your football outfit?" That made everyone turn to him " Yeah...why?" " Nothing" Mindy smirked at him before walking away with the rest towards a bench, Teo was about to walk with them before an arm stopped him. He looked over and saw Sam smiling at him " I knew you two would be back together...just didn't think it would be so soon" Teo raised an eyebrow at her " What do you mean" " I thought you guys would have waited till after everything to get together but I guess not" Sam walked away leaving Teo with a smile on his face.

Teo joined the group at the bench and sat between Chad and Tara with Luna next to Chad, Teo threw his arm over Tara's shoulder before pulling her in close to him which caused her to shove her head into his side. Teo looked down and her with a smile before leaning down and pressing a kiss to her forehead which caused a smile to form on Tara's lips.

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