Chapter 5

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“D-Dewey is d-dead” Teo mumbled, the older Carpenters turned to each other sadly before lifting Teo up, he groaned out in pain “ Teo?” They looked towards him and saw he was losing a lot of blood, “ T, were you stabbed?!” When Tara heard her sister yell that she turned towards them, Teo was losing a lot of blood, he still had some coming out of his mouth and his eyes were beginning to shut “ We need a doctor!” Luna called out. A few EMT guys came running over towards them. That's when Teo passed out in Sam’s and Luna’s arms, all Tara could do was watch with her mouth opened in shock.

“ He is losing a lot of blood ma’am, we got to get him to a hospital and fast or he will die,” An EMT named Chris told the girls, they lifted Teo up onto the structure and wheeled him to an ambulance and lifted him into the back of it. They closed the door and drove off to the closest hospital.

*time skip*

Teo doesn’t remember much, he doesn’t even remember how he got in the back of Sam’s car with his head leaning against the window. He could hear Sam, Luna, Richie and Tara talking, but his mind felt fuzzy. He remembers Dewey's death, him getting stabbed 2-3 times in the same spot, the dizziness then blackness. Teo heard the sound of music so he looked back out the window and saw they were at his ex’s house…aka’s Ambers house. “ Oh, perfect. She’s having a party.” Richie told the group while Sam looked around, “ Who has a party in the middle of a killing spree?” “ Amber does dipshit” Luna flicked Richie's ear “ Ow, Sam you just going let her do that?” Sam ignored him which made Luna send him a smirk, “ Okay, look Im aborting the plan” Richie started to turn the car back on before Sam cut him off “ No, we’re already here. I'll go in quickly and get it. I’ll be back in five” Sam climbed out of the car with Luna behind her.

“ I’m coming too” Tara started to unbuckle her seatbelt, “ Yeah, Me too Sam. There's safety in numbers, I may have gotten stabbed like 3 billion times but I still want to protect you guys” “ No, no Teo you stay put. I don’t want you pulling your stitches out” Sam tried to tell the black-haired boy, who just wasn’t listening to a word anyone was saying. Before they could stop him he got out of the car, “ T…” “ Look, Luna, I know you guys can protect yourselves but please…let me do something right for once” Everyone looked at Teo sadly ( other than Richie), the poor boy thought he hasn’t done anything right this whole time when they know that a lie. All he ever does is help, it may be the football team, or Tara with homework, When Sam used to babysit them, he would help her with Chad and Wes who just kept fighting. Damn he even helped Dewey with Ghostface which could had gotten him killed.

Everyone was cut out of their thoughts by Richie “ If you think I’m waiting out here just to get murdered, you’re out of your mind.” The group started walking up towards the house, Teo opened the door for everyone and saw at least over a hundred people there dancing and drinking. Once Tara walked in the crowd started cheering for her, the cheering got even louder when the Jock of the school walked in behind her with his hand on her back. They started chanting his name “ Teo! Teo! Teo!” Sam and Richie looked shocked that, that many people knew Teo while Tara looked at him with a smile best making eye contact with Amber.

“ What are you doing out of the hospital?” Amber asked over the music, she looked over and saw Teo standing there “ And Mateo…what are you doing out as well. I thought you got killed?” Teo looked at Amber confused for a moment “ K-killed…Oh! Do you mean after the Ghostface attack?” Amber nodded her head “ Yeah no, only got stabbed like 3 times so they stitched me up and gave me a blood transfer…I think I don’t remember much, to be honest,” Amber just gave him a tight smile before turning back towards Tara “ Should you even be up and around?” “ I need my spare inhaler,” Tara told her. Amber looked confused “ Why? Where are you going?” Amber asked.

Tara looked up at Sam before looking back toward Amber, She soon got the hit “ It’s fine. Don't tell me. I get it. Just be safe…both of you" Amber told both Tara and Teo. Tara lightly nodded her head at Amber. " I think it's in my room. All right, everyone! Thanks for coming, but the party's over!" The crowd of people started to protest " Time to go! " Why?"

Right when Teo was about to speak up Richie opened his mouth " Hey, hey, hey! Hello! Can we cut the music, please?" The music stopped " Uh, hi…Gen Z. How are you? Um…Both Sam and Tara here have been attacked by the killer twice, with Teo being attacked once. And now they're here, which makes this place a huge murder target, so…if I were you, I would probably leave." Richie got a cup thrown to his head with the crowd booing again.

" Okay, I tried to be nice. Get the fuck out! Please get the fuck out. Sincerely, get the fuck out." Someone yelled out " buzzkill!" At some point, " Thank you. Thank you all. I'm saying  your life. I promise. Thanks, teens. Thank you so much." A plastic cup falls " Thank you for leaving the cup. Thank you." Tara, Amber and Sam all left to go get Tara's inhaler which left Teo, Richie and Luna out by the door.

"So…does anyone want beer?"

*Time skip*

While Luna and Teo were talking, Richie disappeared. As they were talking they both heard a scream, then looked at each other before running towards the scream. They ran into the living room to find Sam holding Mindy's shoulder " fuck" Teo said before running towards Sam to help, " Luna go find Tara, we have to go" Luna nodded her head before running upstairs. Teo removed Sam's hands and added his larger ones to the bleeding shoulder " What did you do to her?" They heard a voice scream from behind them. They turned and found Amber with Tara " Nothing. We didn't do anything. The killer, he…" Sam tried to say  "Mindy!" 

They all turned around when the sound of glass breaking was heard " What the fuck?"

* Guess who's back? Back again. It's me! I hope you guys enjoy this story, so I might change my plan of having Chad and Luna get together in the 6th film...idk I can't decide if I want to make Luna ghost face or keep her the way she is...let me know in the comments*

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