Chapter 2

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It was the next day and Wes, Teo, Amber and Mindy were all at benchs talking or being on their phones. " I called Sam last night" Amber turned her head towards Wes "She coming?" Amber asked in shock, Wes nodded his head " Yeah". Amber rolled her eyes while talking " Watch everything get worse" Teo looked up from his phone " Amber come on, we all know she left but maybe she had a good reason. We never know" Amber looked towards Teo before letting out a scoff and rolling her eyes, going back to her phone.

Teo shooked his head before turning and talking to Mindy about weekend plans. " All I'm saying is with everything going on right now, I think it's time we take our relationship to the next level, the most intimate level" Teo looked towards the voice and saw Chad with his arm around his girlfriend, Liv's shoulder " Chad my man is getting his game on" Teo smirked at the couple, Chad laughed while Liv looks annoyed " Not like that Teo, he wants me to accept his Find My Fam request" Chad quickly pointed at his girlfriend while talking " It's the smartest option with a would-be killer on the loose. You know exactly where I am and I know exactly where you are. The group was just watching the couple go back and forth between each other " Aw, you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend." Chad smiled at Liv "And you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend" Amber gagged from the bench she was sitting on " Is this because you two aren't having sex yet?" She questions the couple.
Teo shooked his head at Amber before turning back to the couple to see what their answers were, " You bring up a very good point. Not that I want to sound like a stereotypical jock like Teo" Teo pulled an offensive look towards Chad who just laughed at him, along with Wes "That's trying to get into his girlfriend's pants..." He was cut off by Liv " Great!". " Don't do it Liv. There's a psycho out there. You make yourself harder to find. Delete social media, tape over your phone camera, and disable GPS." Wes told Liv and the group, Teo laughed a little while shaking his head while Chad spoke up " Yes, thank you very much, Edward Snowden" Wes sent a tight smile towards Chad while Teo laughed and shocked Wes's shoulders " He got you there bud, they hair colour ain't doing it for you" Chad high-fived Teo while the rest of the group just shocked their heads at the boys.

Chad pulled the group back on topic " Actually, your mother just interrogated me about Tara's and Luna's attempted murder, which was very fun" Teo spaced out after that...Tara could have died that night and he was too busy playing games with Wes and Chad. He felt guilty for it, he promised Tara that he would protect her but yet when she needed him he turned his phone on silent so he wouldn't be distracted. He zoned back in when he heard Amber talking " Jesus, Mindy, there wasn't a first killing, Tara and Luna are alive" " Mmm. I mean they could still die" Teo looked at Mindy in shock " W-what...?" Amber quickly looked at Teo and then back to Mindy " What the fuck? Teo and Wes are both sitting right here Mindy, you can't just say shit like that"

Mindy sent them an apologetic smile before continuing with what she was saying " I mean the killer could still come back for them" " Fuck! Mindy, come on, their boyfriends are right here listening to you say this" Mindy looked towards the two boys, both with different reactions on their faces, Wes had a look of shock and scared while Teo looked at the ground and played with the promise ring that was on his right ring finger. Mindy looked back towards the group with a sad smile. Wes then spoke up after getting over his shock " I'm telling you, arm up, okay? Pepper spray, check. Taser, check" " Nerd alert...check!" Everyone laughed except Teo, he was still in his head about everything that went down

" He worked with Tara?" Amber asked, Teo quickly looked up and looked towards where the group was looking, he then saw Vince aka Liv's summer hook-up. Teo never trusted the guy and found him creepy and pedo-looking so when he found out Tara worked with him, Teo made it his job to make sure he didn't try to get her to do shit she didn't want to. Teo looked back towards the group and saw Mindy taking a photo of him, " Probably time to introduce him to Hobbs and Shaw" Chad flex his biceps "Yeah let me and Chad have a go at him" Teo lifted his shirt slightly and showed off his abs before showing off his biceps as well. The group looked towards Teo in shock over then Chad and Wes who knew he had been working out after getting in a fight with one of the football players, he also got jacked up for football...and maybe for Tara but no one needs to know that. " Damn T, when did you get so ripped? If I wasn't a lesbian I would totally smash" Chad hit his sister upside her head and gave her a grossed-out look, before anyone could say anything else Liv cut in " Maybe not the best idea to incite violence right in front of the sheriff. Looks like he is leaving" The group looked back over and saw Vince walking towards the driver's side door. " Thanks anyways boys" "Yeah. Mm-hmm." Chad groaned a bit when Liv touched his left bicep, Teo winced a bit, he knew why Chad groaned and it was mostly his fault for that. "Hmm. Luna and Tara said they fault back hard. You've got bruises." It's from Teo during football practice, dude tackled me down on the ground and I landed on my arm. Blame him." Chad said while pointing at the said boy.

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