Chapter 6

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" What the fuck?" Everyone turned around and saw Richie " Richie, where the fuck were you?" Sam asked her boyfriend " I went into the basement to get a beer." Everyone looked at him like he was crazy. " You went to the basement alone?" Amber questioned him. Richie starts to stumble over his words " I asked her to come with me! She said no!" Richie shouts at everyone.

Soon a door was slammed shut with someone yelling out " Fuck!" Everyone looked toward the noise and saw Liv, everyone took a step back. Teo grabbed into Tara's waist and pulled her into his chest away from Liv " Stay the fuck back." Amber told Love, and soon Liv started crying " Jesus Christ!" " I was with Tara, but the rest of you were wandering around. One of you is the fucking killer!" Amber screamed out while pointing fingers at everyone. Luna grabbed Sam's shoulders with Sam wrapped an arm around her to keep her behind her if anything were to happen.

" Fuck you, Amber. Fuck you!" Sam pointed towards Liv's hands "Why is there blood on your hands?" Everyone looked down at Liv's hands including Liv " What? I found Chad" Just like that Teo heart stopped, his best friend/brother is bleeding somewhere. He quickly let go of Tara and ran up to Liv pushing her into the wall " Where is he?" He questions her his venom dripping from the words " I-in the backyard" Liv told him.

Teo quickly ran towards Tara giving her a kiss on the forehead before running towards the backyard, when he found Chad he dropped to his knees and checked the boy's pulse. It was slow but still beating which made the boy release the breath of air he was holding in, he put pressure on the wounds the best he could. His hands were colored the scarlet red that was coming out of the wounds, Chad's eyes were shut but he could tell he was still alive due to his chest moving up and down.

Soon a gunshot went off making Teo fuck thinking he was getting shouted at, he looked around till he saw Ghostface right behind him with the knife in the air " Oh sh-" he was cut off by the knife coming down on him, and he quickly put his hands up and caught the attackers hands. Teo gritted his teeth together when the attacker started to add more pressure on the knife, right when the knife was about to stab him in the eye Teo quickly moved his head to the right which made the knife lead in his shoulder. Teo grunted in pain before getting up and tanning, he heard the footsteps behind him but he kept running.

Soon he didn't hear the footsteps anymore making him stop, he turned and looked around before he felt a pain right in his gut. He looked down and saw the knife sticking out of him, the knife was soon pulled out before he was pushed to the ground, he turned on his back holding his wound, and saw Ghostface standing there " Motherfucker" Teo grunted out before letting his head fall on back to be ground. He saw the killer take off their mask. Who stood under the mask will forever haunt him...

Amber fucking Freeman was standing in front of him with a smirk on her face twisting the knife around in her hand. " Hi" She smiled sickling at him " You've got to be kidding me" Teo groaned out " Hi there Mateo Waylen...or should I say, Macher?" Teo looked up at Amber in shock " H-how did you k-know?" Teo was starting to taste blood in his mouth...never a good sign. " I did my homework, Teo... Did you know this is the house where your father and Billy killed everyone? What makes this so much better? Having two fallen children of serial killers in the house that their fathers killed everyone in"

Teo just continued to look up at Amber in shock " I'm really sorry for what I'm about to do needs to be done" Before he could ask what she meant, she bent down and stabbed him 5 more times, two in the thigh, one in the shoulder, one in his chest and the last one in his gut again. Each time blood would come out of his mouth, once she finished stabbing him she leaned down into his ear " I never even loved you...thanks for the good fucks though, those were the best" She got up and shot him a wink before heading back into the house.

All he saw was the house before everything went black.

* I know it's a short chapter but I'm almost done with scream 5, Idk when the first chapter of Scream 6 will be out, might be sometime after my Wednesday book. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, one more to got than Scream 5 is done*

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