Chapter 1

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Teo was sitting on his bed playing on his PlayStation with his two friends, Wes and Chad. Wes is Teo's cousin and Chad is his best friend/ brother. They are playing GTA 5 and are blowing people and everything up because why the hell not? " Bro, did you see that guy go flying?" Chad asked the guys while laughing, Teo was laughing his ass off after watching Chad blow a guy off a building, and Wes was trying to find his voice because he was laughing as well " He looked like a damn bird that didn't have wings" Wes commented which made the twos other boys laugh even harder. " Hey guys I got to go, Luna is calling me" Teo and Chad groan " Bros before hoes Wes" Chad voiced out playfully. " Don't go there bro, you ditch football practice to go hang out with Liv at her house" Teo called Chad out which made Chad go silent on the other end which made Wes start laughing again. " But no really she keeps calling me and threatening to break up with me if I don't answer. Chad and Teo said bye to Wes who then hung up.

Teo and Chad played for a few more hours before getting off, Teo went to the bathroom and took a shower. Once he was done he wrapped a towel around his waist and started to brush his teeth, he looked in the mirror and flex his arms. He smirked to himself ' Tara is going to like this' he thought, he was knocked out of his thoughts when he heard his mother's voice " Stop flexing in the mirror" Teo jumped and ended up stumbling his toe on the sink stand " Mother fucker, fuck me in the ass" Teo muttered to himself hopping on one foot, he heard his mother laughing before walking out the door.

After getting his boxers on Teo walked out of the bathroom while drying his hair with the towel, he walked towards his phone and saw he had 4 missed messages from Tara, 3 missed calls from Wes and a bunch from Chad. He opened Tara's first and saw it was a question asking him if he was pranking her or if he was messing with her. He typed out a 'no I was showering. What's going on?' before trying to call Wes back which went right to voicemail. Teo let out a sigh before calling Chad who answered right away " Yo you go to get to the hospital like now!" " What? Why?" Teo asked confused, but what Chad said next made Teo's heart drop " Tara and Luna were attacked at their house, Tara got stabbed 7 times and Luna got punched once and stabbed twice. Thiers no word about Tara but Wes found out that Luna is going to be okay"

Teo stared ahead of himself trying not to have a panic attack...his girlfriend was attacked and stabbed and he wasn't there to protect her. "I'll be there" Before Chad could answer, Teo hunged up and quickly got dressed, he grabbed a dark red t-shirt and some black ripped jeans with his black and blue Jordans. He ran down the stairs and grabbed his car keys to his jeep which was a light blue with a black interior. He started the car and quickly pressed on the gas pedal trying to get to the hospital as fast as he could.

He could feel his heart beating in his chest, he was scared that his girlfriend wasn't going to make it. He soon got to the hospital and jumped out of his jeep, locked the door and ran into the hospital, he got to the fount desk " Tara Carpenter, I got a call saying she was here" he asked in a rushed voice " Yes she is but is surgery at the moment, we have a waiting room outside the room she will be staying in if you will like to go sit" He quickly nodded his head and then was told which room. Once he got to the floor and room number he saw Chad, Wes and Liv all there. He ran to them and pulled Wes into a hug. " How's Luna?" He asked Wes " She is fine, out of surgery, but no visitors till the morning when she wakes up." Before Teo could ask Chad spoke up " We are still waiting on Tara, all we know is she is in surgery"

Teo sighed before sitting down with his head in his hands, Chad walked over to him and rubbed Teo's back to try and give him some comfort which worked because Teo leaned more in Chad's hand and his shoulders weren't as tense as they were before. After a few hours of waiting a doctor finally came out and said that the surgery went well and that Tara is resting. Teo thanked the gods above for that becuase he doesn't know what he would have done if she hadn't, no visitors were allowed till she woke up so everyone went home, Wes went with Teo because Chad drove him there but wanted some alone time with his girlfriend which Wes understands.

Teo dropped Wes off at his house before driving off towards his, Wes had called Sam a couple of minutes before being dropped off, Sam and Teo used to be close, Sam was like a sister to Teo but that all changed when she just disappeared off the face of the planet. Teo doesn't know what happened to her but all he knows is their father left, Sam went into bad habits, Sam's mother disowned her and kicked her from the house, then Sam disappeared. Teo still loves Sam, he just wished she was there he asked Tara out.

Sam was all for them to get together, and now that she is gone Teo can't help but feel upset at her for just leaving and not keeping in touch. He wants to know why she left and left Tara behind with her mother that doesn't even give two shits about her.

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