Chapter 7

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Everyone was gathered outside, Tara and Chad were in stretchers while Mindy was being rolled out. No one has seen Teo since he ran off to get Chad, it had Tara and everyone worried sick. Sam was tightly held onto Tara's hand to try and calm her down, so far no one has found him yet and it was making her worried. She couldn't lose him, Teo was the best thing in Tara's life and she didn't want to lose that. Right when her hope of finding him was going away an EMT called out "Hey we have one more!" Chad, Tara, Sam, and Mindy all turned toward the sound and saw Teo on a stretcher with dried blood all over his chin.

Sam covered her mouth with her hand as she saw him, Tara released a sob while Mindy and Chad just stared in shock. "Low pulse, lost a lot of blood. Five stab wounds, one is his gut, his chest and shoulder the other two seem to be coming from his thighs." The group continued to stare, Luna soon joined them after speaking to an officer. She looked at everyone and saw their looks " What's going on?" She asked, all Chad did was point towards Teo, she looked towards him and felt her eyes start to water at the sight of him. He looks all beat up and bloody, she was kicked out of her thoughts by an EMT guy yelling " He has no pulse, he isn't breathing! Bring over an oxygen mask and tank along with the AED '' That's when Chad started to let a few tears go, he didn't want to lose his best friend tonight...not when he lost Wes just a couple of nights ago. EMTs started rushing towards where Teo was, they cut open his shirt which showed off not only his toned chest but also all the stabbed wounds.

All of Teo's friends watched in shock while the EMT placed the pads on his left and right peck as another EMT person was performing CPR on Teo. Everyone in the group was hoping he would wake up " Clear!" One of the guys shouted the one doing the CPR stepped back. The Machine made a beeping noise before seeing Teo's chest rise before going back down. " Shock delivered," the machine said.

The EMT that was doing CPR started to do it again while adding in the rescue breaths. They kept doing that cycle till an EMT yelled out " I got a pulse, it's low but it will manage" The group of friends released breaths while watching Teo get lifted in an ambulance.

*Time skip*

The first thing Teo heard was the sound of something beeping before he opened his eyes, he looked around and all he saw were white walls and a door. He looked next to him and saw his group of friends plus Luna and Sam across the room talking. " Y'all better not be talking shit about me." He called out, the first to get up and ran towards him was Chad. Chad pulled Teo and a tight bro hug " I thought you were a dead man T" Chad told Teo. " Can't get rid of me that easy '' Teo smiled back at Chad before letting him go, Teo soon felt another body climb on top of him and hug him. He looked down and saw it was Tara "Hi, Love" Tara looked up through watery eyes and smiled at him "Aw, Tara..." Teo cupped her face and whipped her tears with his thumb.

" I thought you died stopped breathing again at one point so doctors came rushing in trying to get you to breathe again...they said if it happens again they would have to let you go" By the end of it Tara was crying, everyone left the room at some point, wanting to give the couple some space " I'm not going to die that easy bae, I'm never going to die...I promise you" Teo told her "You can't make a promise like that never know," Tara told Teo, " it's not a's a statement, I'm not dying and I ain't leaving you behind" the couple smiled at each other before Tara pulled Teo by the neck and kissed him...hard. It was their first kiss in a long time, Teo pulled Tara onto his lap before tailing kisses down her jaw to her neck. Tara bit her lip to hold back any sounds that wanted to escape her lips.

" Not right now T, you are still hurt and we are in a hospital with our friends outside the door." Teo pulled away from her neck before nodding her head "Okay...want to just cuddle then?" Tara smiled and nodded her head, that's what the couple ended up doing till they fell asleep in each other's hands peacefully...little did they know Ghostface was going to come back...just not where they thought.

*a short chapter but I'm going to add a bonus chapter... it's going to be smut y'all, figure ill give you guys some smut. We are almost done with Scream 5, might be a while for Scream 6 because I want to start my Wednesday book but I promise I will write Scream 6, just not now*

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