Scream 6 Intro

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It's been a year since the attacks at Woodsboro, Teo and Chad moved into their dorms with this kid named Ethan. Teo and Chad had gotten closer since the death of their best friend Wes Hicks...a few months before the Six sent out to New York they attended Judy and Wes Hicks funeral. A couple months later than it was the funeral of Teo's mother... Teo stepfather came to it but decided to stay back in Woodsboro. He was going to go with the group but decided at the last minute to stay.

Teo and Tara ended up breaking up, Teo wasn't in the right mind set and Tara was just hiding the fact of what they went through and got a new start at New York. Teo and Sam have been going to therapy session together which built a bond between the two. They are both now seeing Stu and Billy now which was weird at first but they started to accept that they were seeing their dead dads.

Chad and Luna actually started dating a few months after Teo and Tara broke up. Of course the two were happy for the couple but couldn't help but miss each other...the hugs, But they both knew they weren't ready to get back together, they just needed time.

Teo and Mindy actually (surprisingly) got close as well. They talk over theorys on movies they watch and all so they really became good friends.

Tara and Sam have a roommate named Quinn who Teo has been hooking up with to the numb that pain of seeing Tara everyday, of course Quinn knew that so she did develop any feelings for him. It just simple hook ups. Of course the friend group knew of this, Chad can't keep his mouth shut when he is drunk and ended up telling everyone.

When Tara found out that's when she decided to go to to party's and hook up with random man and sometimes even women. The two were playing a game with each other, Everytime the group went to a party, Tara and Teo were always found dancing with random strangers while holding eye contact with each other. Not a pretty sight to be honest.

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