Chapter 4

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Mentions: Blood, death, anxiety attack, gore.

After explaining how Teo found out and how he is feeling to Tara, his phone rang. He looked at Tara for a moment before picking up the phone, he saw it was Wes calling him so he answered " Hey Wes" " This isn't Wes" Teo immediately tensed up at the deep voice " Who the hell is this" " You don't know me well...but I know a lot about you" The unknown voice told Teo, Teo looked towards Tara who was looking back at him. " What the fuck do you want motherfucker?" " You know...Wes is looking pretty alone at his house right now...maybe I should stop by and visit him?" Teo's eyes got wide " Don't you fucking touch him asshole or I swear to god I'll kill you!" Tara looked at Teo confused and concerned about what was going on in the other line " going to kill me just like how your father killed all those people back in 1996...?" Teo froze, the person on the other line knows about his father, there are only two people that know about that, Tara and his mother.

He knew it was Tara because she was right next to him but maybe it was his mother, he was snapped out of his thoughts by the voice " Wes is looking very lonely...mother just one is home to protect him...If you want to save him, come find me" With that the voice hung up, Teo quickly grabbed his keys and his leather jacket, and he ran out the door while Tara screamed for him. Teo called his mother but she wasn't picking up, David was out in LA for a movie so he decided to call his Aunt Judy. " Come on, come on, Pick the fucking up Judy" Teo kept mumbling to himself but she never picked up which scared him.

He drove down the road at high speed and tried to get to the Hicks household, once he turned the corner he felt his heart drop...he Saw Luna on the ground crying with Sam holding her up. He quickly turned his car off and ran up to them " Sam! Luna!" the two turned towards him and saw him running up, Luna quickly stood up and hugged Teo tightly. Teo looked towards Sam who just slowly nodded her head, confirming his thoughts. Teo placed a hand on the back of Luna's head while he placed his head on her shoulder trying to hold back his tears. " Teo...Im so so sorry about Judy and Wes and your mother" Teo quickly picked up his head at Sam's words " W-what"

Before Sam could answer, Dewey came up to the three " Are you, Mateo Waylen/Hicks" Teo nodded his head slowly, Dewey sigh sadly before speaking" Im sorry...we lost Judy and Wes Hicks and Christina Waylen...we have contacted David Waylen and he is on his way here" At that Teo world frozen...his Aunt, cousin/brother and mother all got killed by this Ghostface person. Sam, Luna and Dewey all looked at him concerned about how he was doing, next thing they knew he drops to his knees and drops his head. His hands were clenched and shaky, and his whole body was shaking. They notice his breathing was getting heavy, Sam knew what was happening so she quickly dropped to her knees as well and pulled him into a hug.

Dewey and Luna looked at each other confused, " He is having a panic attack, someone goes call Tara or Chad, their voices will calm him down a bit" Sam told the two, Luna quickly pulled out her phone and called Tara because she didn't have Chad's number, Sam looked around before noticing the cop that was meant to be a the hospital with Tara " Ill be right back okay T?" Sam whispered in Teo's ear before running towards the cop " Who's at the hospital?" She asked the cop, the cop stuttered " Who's watching my sister?" She asked him again, once the cop was able to get his words again he spoke " I just heard about the sheriff." Sam scoffed while the cop yelled out " They needed me here" Dewey watched the whole thing go down, Sam went and grabbed Teo and pulled him up, she pulled him to the car with Luna following.

" Where are you guys going?" Sam looked back towards Dewey before continuing " My sister's in trouble" " What!" Luna yelled out, " The cop that is meant to be watching her is here," Sam told her other sister. Dewey watched them all get into the car while he looked back at the crime scene. As Sam was her seatbelt on herself with Luna doing the same for Teo who still seemed out of it when the door opened, Everyone looked up and saw it was Dewey, he felt eyes on him so he looked up " What are you waiting for? Drive!" Sam quickly put the car in drive before backing up " Come on. Let's go!"

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