Felix looked between the two questions. Hyunjin smiled and nodded that it was ok with him. Felix caught the memory of the conversation that had just happened. "Thank you." He quietly told Hyunjin, his voice full of sincerity. Then he turned to Changbin. "I would love to. It would be nice to get to know you better. I know we are together because of this." He tapped his head. "But I want to get to know this." He touched Changbin's chest over his heart. Changbin smiled at him in a somewhat shy smile.

"I'll go shower and we can get going. I have some ideas." He smiled at the tiny man. Felix grinned back.

Within an hour the two men were showered, shaved and dressed. Changbin took his hand and led Felix to the door. "I want to show you our studio. Producing is such a huge part of who I am so I wanted to show it to you."

Felix's eyes sparkled with joy. "That sounds amazing! I can't wait to see."

They decided to walk and enjoy the beautiful day. Changbin pointed out some of their favorite spots along the way. When they got to the company, the security didn't stop them since he was with Binnie. They took the elevator up and then into the studio. Chan had apparently snuck out to work and stood up with a blush when they came in. "Oi! Chan, I thought you guys were off." Felix said with a grin.

"Hey Lix, welcome to the studio." Chan said with a welcoming smile before turning to Changbin. "You showing Felix our home away from home?"

"Yeah. I wanted us to get to know each other a bit and this is a huge part of my life."

Chan nodded understandingly. "Want to hear what we are working on?" Chan offered and Felix nodded excitedly.

"Hell yes!"

Chan pressed a few buttons and a song started playing. He heard Jisung begin rapping and his smile grew huge. "Oh I like this one. I've heard Jinnie do a part or two for it I think." He listened to the song and lyrics and nodded his head along to the beat. "Bom digi digi bom bom bom bom." He half hummed to the beat. Within a beat the room went silent as Binnie hit the button to stop. Felix looked up in surprise and blushed when he realized both men were staring at him. "Oh." He said softly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to mess you up, I just like the beat." He looked down in embarrassment.

"No! Do that again!" Changbin said and hit the button to rewind it. The song started over and Felix closed his eyes to take off the pressure and let the music fill him again. When that part happened, Felix repeated his adlib softly. Both men nodded with huge grins, encouraging him. When the part came up again, Felix did it louder. When the song ended, Changbin looked at Chan with a raised eyebrow. Chan hesitated for a second and then nodded.

"Lix, would you be ok with recording that for us to add in to the song? We will credit you of course!" Chan added the last line in fast as if to forestall a denial. "We were needing something and we hadn't figured out what."

Felix blushed. "I don't know. I'm not a singer or anything."

"Please baby." Changbin implored him, "it was perfect."

Felix nervously followed Changbin over to the room next door. Changbin got him a stool and helped set him up. He squeezed Felix's hand and went back to join Chan in the booth. "Just relax and get into the music, baby." Changbin said over the microphone into the room. Felix nodded and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans. He heard the music start. He closed his eyes so that he wouldn't focus on what he was doing and just tried to enjoy the music. When the part came he gave his adlib. The music stopped. "This is exactly what we needed. Can you go a little stronger, baby? It's just for us for now. If you aren't happy with it, we won't use it." Felix met his eyes and nodded.

The music started again and Felix lost himself in the music and this time when he felt inclined, he let the tune carry him and his voice came out deep and loud. He saw the two producers nodding happily and when the chorus came up again he sang it again. The two men on the other side of the glass looked like they were over the moon happy about it. "Perfect Felix!" Chan said happily. "Thank you so much!"

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