73 - Luna Diabolos

Start from the beginning

Luna was silent, before finally speaking again.

"Bring Madam Webb's children here. I wish to speak with them alone." Luna stated. "I will not go only off of your story."

"Alright. Just wait there." I nodded.

"Not much else I can do." Luna rolled her eyes.

If this is working, then that will be good. I want to stop this war before it leads to demons getting killed. No matter what Duncan did, it was me killing him that sparked this conflict. I need to resolve it before people die.

I wonder why she's so focused on Madam Webb...she must've known her.

A deep pain ached in my chest. Once again, I felt guilty for her death. But I just have to keep moving forwards. I won't let Duncan win by letting his murder of Madam Webb create more death.

I'll keep everyone safe, Madam Webb. Please rest peacefully, wherever you are now.

I leave the dungeons, and I immediately find Anna leaning next to wall and waiting for me. She looked over to me with a small smile.

"I assume she wasn't very cooperative." She stated.

"Actually, we might be getting somewhere." I spoke. "She wants to talk to you and John."

"Really?" Anna raised an eyebrow. "All right. I'll grab him. Just hang tight."

Anna went and grabbed John, and then the two descended to where the dungeons were. I sat by the entrance, waiting for their return.

It took quite a while, felt like a whole hour, but the two finally returned. Anna warmly smiled at me while John nodded with a thumbs up.

"It went good?" I asked.

"Well, we successfully convinced her you didn't kidnap us." Anna stated.

"Anna had to explain why Luna had seen you carrying her unconscious body." John snickered. "It was kind of funny."

"Shove it, John." Anna lightly elbowed him in the side. "But it was nice talking to her. She's a..."

Anna trailed off.

"It's fine, you don't need to tell me." I smiled, but I can't lie that I'm extremely curious as to what she was going to say before stopping.

"Anyways, you should head back down." John replied. "Getting anything out of her will help with stopping this war."

I nodded. I gave each of them a high five before walking down the stairs to the dungeons again. I plopped myself onto the ground in front of Luna's cell once more.

"Good talk?" I asked.

"Yes..." Luna lightly smiled to my surprise. "It was."

"So...is this interrogation going to work now?" I asked.

Luna sighed. "They trust you completely. They trust that it was Duncan who killed Madam Webb and not you."

"I mean, I would hope so." I smiled at her words as I replied with a joke. I trust those two a lot as well.

"So I will trust you. Break that and you're dead five times over." She warned.

"I won't. And you're stuck in a cell." I pointed out.

Luna hmphed. "Listen, my parents are the ones who ordered me to capture you. If Duncan really did plan to frame you for Madam Webb's death, then they would also know."

"Your best bet is to get evidence from the Diabolos Manor and give it to King Lucifer of the Underworld." Luna explained. "If you can't do that, then there will be a war without a doubt."

"That's not-" Before I could finish my sentence a painful cough erupted through my body. Blood splattered onto my sleeve as I covered it up.

"...you good?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm fine." I replied. "So I need to get evidence from the manor? Alright."

Luna nodded. "Quickly, too. Dracula is announcing the war is official...today? Tomorrow? It'll be less than a week before the Underworld's troops will come."

"Then I need to do this immediately." I replied.

"Yes." Luna replied. "And...for all of our sakes, I hope you aren't lying and there really is evidence."

"I hope so too." I stood up, but Luna stopped me with another word.

"Wait." She spoke. "Let me explain in detail the manor. It'll speed things up."

To my gratitude, Luna explained the manor in as much detail as she could. It was actually quite a lot. But she included what the rooms were, the most likely rooms for evidence to be, and even some secret passages in the manor.

Because every manor needs to have a secret passage, duh.

"Thank you, Luna." I smiled.

Luna lightly blushed as she looked away. "Just go already..."

I nodded.

I'll clear my name and prevent this war. So I can protect everyone I love, along with everyone else in the Dark Empire who are at risk because of me.

It's time to infiltrate Diabolos Manor.

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