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(Canada's POV)

I added some more bullets in the gun barrel. The first time didn't work so we were trying one more time. But my mind wondered somewhere else. 

If she was at the saloon, did she see me doing the challenge? And did I do something stupid during it? And was it her that stole my star? I placed my hand on my chest trying to understand why she would give my gun back and not my star. 

-Canada, are you alright? Mexico asked me and I turned to him.

-Yeah, let's go.

He nodded and threw it up in the air and the planks separated from each other. I imagined the time slowing down and it did, and the color of life disappeared to black and white. I looked up to them and instead of focusing on one, I made sure to see the bigger picture. 

I shot one, two and three times on each board without my vision giving up on me.

When the third shot was let go, my vision and the time slowly went back to reality. I cheered by myself and Mexico understood that I did it. He jumped onto me to give me a hug since this was the fifth time we were doing this. 

-Finally, I was about to give up on you. He let me go and laughed. 

-That's quite rude. I chuckled and put back my gun in my holder.

I heard a horse walking up to here and I peaked out in the hole. France seemed to be quite mad and Ukraine looked rigid. I leaned my head to the right, questioning what happened when they were gone. Mexico walked up to me and looked out as well.

-Am I the only one or did they fight? I whispered to Mexico and he stared at them.


France slipped down from his horse and made sure Ukraine could get down gently but she did it herself and took a step back from him. France went to pet Destine a bit and grabbed the other horses. I took that as a sign and slipped out with Mexico behind me. Ukraine saw us and went towards us.

-Did you fight with France? Mexico asked and she shook her head.

-What happened? I questioned and she shook her head again.

-I don't think he would enjoy me telling both of you. She explained and I leaned my head to the right since I didn't understand. But! I learned a bit more about my power! 

-That's great! I cheered with her and she smiled as a thank you. 

-Alright lady and gentlemen, it's getting dark. France started and turned to us with multiple lanterns. Time to get going and make sure the mansion doesn't blow up.

He each gave us one lantern and all of them were burning except mine. He took out a match and rubbed it quickly on his leather boots and a spark could be heard. The match lit up and he made the lantern start to work. 

-We would be four, Ukraine will stick with Canada. France continued and hang his lantern on the saddle. Our main objectif is to find the dynamites and disactivate them. That would mainly be Mexico's and Ukraine's job since he can crawl around and Ukraine can see through walls. Canada and I would distract them. Does everyone understands?

We all answered with a yes. Ashley was already up and ready to go. I hook the lantern before helping Ukraine up.

-Let me help you. I said and gently held her waist. 

She held my shoulders and she gave little jumps to help me. I pulled her up and gently sat her down on Ashley's behind. Ukraine hold onto the cantle since it was much higher than Destine. But Ashley was a good girl and she didn't move much. I hold onto the horn with my right hand and rest my right leg rest on tread cover. I pulled myself up and sat down on the seat. I looked behind and she held on her lantern tightly.

-Hold onto me. We will be going down the hill. I ordered and she obeyed and wrapped her right arm around my waist and she was holding her lantern with her left hand. 

She leaned more into me and rest her cheek on my back. France looked at us if we were ready and I nodded to him. France started to walk and Mexico went behind him. I gave them some time before starting to follow them. 

I could feel Ukraine's arm tightening and slowly forming into a ball like. She raised her knees and rest them on my lower back. She lowered her head down, resting her forehead in between my shoulder blades. 

-Are you okay? I asked her and took a slower approach for going down the hill.

-Ashley is much different than Destine... It's scary.

-We're almost there. C-Can you lower your knees, you're hurting me. I said and felt bad but she quickly apologized a bunch of times and lowered them. 

-Sorry again, Sir Canada. 

-It's alright. Avoid looking down to the floor, it's scarier. 

I felt her nodding and she pulled her head up. She pulled herself closer and rest her chin on my shoulder, breathing down on my neck. My heart rate spiked up from how close we were. I ignored it and leaned forward, Ukraine sitting up straight, and I petted Ashley's neck. 

Ashley took one last jump and we finally arrived to the ground. Mexico and France were waiting for us and France made sure that Ukraine was fine. I followed him and she nodded, saying that she was fine.

-The people do not know that we are out, except for some men that I have asked to take care while we're gone. We need to be on the low profile. France explained and lowered the gas in the lantern. 

Everyone followed as well and France looked around before ordering us to follow behind him. I felt Ukraine tap on my shoulder and I leaned back while keeping my eyes in front. 

-What if I suddenly can't control my vision? She asked and I could hear her being unsure. 

-How sure are you about your power? I quizzed her and she shrugged.

-I'm not sure... I feel like it's going way too fast. 

-I know, but we need to have as much help as we can! Don't think about yourself too low, we need you to try and do your very best. I took a peak behind and she looked up to me and I blushed seeing her eyes shine.

I looked back but I knew she wanted to say something. She rest her head on my shoulder again and I could feel her being less tense by letting my waist go slightly. 

-If you say so. She turned back down and hid her face with my back.

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