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(Mexico's POV)

I woke up brutally hitting on a wooden plank on my forehead. The chicken cawed into my ears loudly. I groaned and stumbled around to get up. My poncho was full of leaves and little pieces of wood. I looked around and I don't remember anything. I was deep in the forest and I got out from the broken cage for the chicken. Now I remember why I should stop drinking so much. There were broken glasses on the floor and I noticed it had a whiskey brand printed on the glass. I heard people walking around nearby me and I quietly looked to peak. I hid behind a big tree and turns out I was near the Claypool's mansion. 

The voices were inside and there was an open window. I looked around to make sure they were inside and would not see what I was doing. I walked up to the wall crouching down to be noticed less and I could feel my palms getting sticky. I flatten my palms on the wooden wall to make sure that majority of my skin was sticking on the wall. I hoisted myself up and used my feet to hold myself to be stable. I looked around myself again and quickly climbed up with ease.

I peaked inside the window and no one was here but the voices could be heard clearer. I was curious since who in the world would be in here. Bellwood was way closer and this mansion doesn't really give a nice vibe. I climbed in and was met with the smell of moonshine. I landed on my tip toes to not make a loud noise and walked on all fours. I grabbed the moldy golden handle and turned it open. The voices were much clearer. 

-Are you sure you have everything? One of them asked while walking around. I need to try to sell the carriage.

-They always buy it. You did clean it up, right?

-Yeah, but I got caught a bit. 

-What? By who?

-Don't worry I befriended her. She's very nice. But you didn't fully answer my question, do you have everything?

-Yes , all the dynamites are in there. Calm down.

My eyes widened and I looked around. In the dark corner there was a whole lot of dynamites and I heard the footsteps getting closer. I panicked and ran out the window and slipped a bit, almost falling to my death since I rarely use my power. The door creaked open wider and I slowly crawled down.

-France will get for what he did. One of them said and I looked up to the window and a pair of arms reached out to close the window. 

I looked down to the ground and continued to crawl. I ran back inside into the forest and looked one last time to the mansion. I had to find him and warn him. I continued running and I heard a horse whining and I slowed down. I made sure not to trip from the overgrown roots and I saw my horse eating the grass peacefully. How lucky. 

I walked up to him with a smile on my face and took out my hand to let him sniff it. He licked my hand and I almost forgot about what I heard at the mansion. I had to get back quickly. I climbed to sit on the saddle and ordered my horse to run back home. 

My horse was running for a quite long time and he was forced to slow down. He neighed and stopped by the lake when we exited the forest, the other side from the mansion. I slid down from him and gave him a lot of pets and kisses. 

-Mexico! There you are! I heard Canada calling me, exiting from Archdale city and I looked up.

Canada came with Ashley underneath him. The horse was quite tall and could easily tower over an average height man. But because of that, and her having big muscles, she couldn't squeeze easily into narrow space compared to Destine, France's white horse. At the end of the day, both of them are fun to take care. 

-Hey man, how's the hangover? I started and he smiled.

-I'm surviving... Where were you?

-I somehow ended up in the chicken coop nearby the mansion with mi caballo over here. I explained and petted his strong neck. What about you?

-In the bathtub with a stolen glass cup, I'm pretty sure. France is looking for you. 

-France! Canada, come down from Ashley, I gotta tell you something!

He seemed weirded out and Ashley reacted badly since she understood what I want her owner to do. She enjoys having him ride with her. Canada obeyed and slid down and Ashley went towards my horse and drank up the water next to him. I hid behind their large body and told Canada to speak quietly. 

-I gotta tell you something, it's about France! I started and he leaned his head to the right.

-What's wrong? 

-I said that I woke up nearby the mansion, right? I said and he nodded, listening to me attentively. I heard people talking inside. And I climbed into an open window and they were talking about what France did. And they are planning on exploding the mansion! 

-Huh? How are you so sure?

-Dynamites! Nada, I saw a hill of dynamites! I grabbed ahold on his biceps tightly. 

-Destroying the mansion? With dynamites?! They're going to leave our city in the dust! Quickly, we gotta find him!

Before he got up, he slapped his forehead and turned to me with a smile.

-I forgot to tell you! Ukraine has powers like us! He whispered but I could hear his happiness and excitement. 

-What?! I couldn't keep quiet since everything was being thrown onto my barely functioning brain. 

-Ssshhhh! He shushed and looked around. I brought her to France, however I hope she wouldn't freak out. She's around our age and we learned about our powers at a young age.

-Nah, I'm sure she's fine and France is quite patient. More towards women than us... I got annoyed from the fact and got up on my horse and Canada did the same on Ashley. 

-I'm excited! I would be nice to have someone else than you... You know how hard it is for me to make friends since I tend to shut everyone down. 

-Even when everyone loves you. I commented and we continued while the horses walked side by side. 

-Yeah... But I've really wanted to make Ukraine feel at home since she is new. And I've been meaning on trying to get more friends and get to know people even more. Maybe one day find someone to have courtship... 

-Damn, you didn't say anything to me. Why didn't you ask me to help you? 

-I hate asking for help, I'm not you... I got lucky being the day shift sheriff. 

We arrived at the sheriff department and we tied the horses at the wooden plank. Canada opened the door and we looked at the desk and it was empty. I saw a piece of paper on the table and Canada groaned at the fact that we had to go chasing around again. 

I noticed something and I grabbed the paper. I read the first line and groaned in annoyance. 

-"I'm heading with Ukraine to the training place. Mexico, you better get over there." I read as Canada stood behind me reading along.

It's been such a long time from this stupid training. He's been so obsess with forcing us to learn about our powers. I bet Nada would be annoyed even more. I turned to him and sadly I was wrong.

-Oh yes! He said happily and quickly grabbed Ashley.

Right, I keep forgetting that this man is just a child stuck in an adult body. 

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