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(Ukraine's POV)

I could remember the memory like it was yesterday.


At a young age, I've always looked up to my mother. I've noticed that my mom will try to do everything in her power to give me a life of luxury. When my father left, my mother refused to cry over it. Even if I've always reminded her mistakes just by existing. At the end of the day, we've always had food on the table with my mother working overtime.

But one day, whenever I heard horses coming by, I would get spooked. Then the visions would come and disrupt my peace. I panicked when the blue overlay came over and I saw my mother's skeleton. When I could finally calm down, I explained what I saw to my mother and she believed me, even if it seemed weird. She wanted to bring me to the doctor at the nearby city but she wasn't able to since we were too poor. 

After some days passed, my mom came back home with fear in her eyes and a huge wound was opened on her nose bridge and she was bleeding out. I remembered the fear in her voice when she was talking and she cupped my face. 

-Honey, one day, a group of men will come knocking down the door looking for me. I want you to run away and not look back. Do it if you love me, okay? 

One week ago, they came. My mother noticed them in advance and told me to pack my bags quickly. I tried my best to grab everything essential and I could hear my mother distracting them before they come barging into my room. I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder and jumped out my window, looking back one time, disobeying what my mother said but I didn't get caught. I hid behind large trees to catch my breath, but not wanting to look back. 

My legs trembled from walking since we were deep in the woods and sleeping underneath some shelter since you couldn't cross the forest in one day. I drank out the lake and Sir Mexico startled me with his horse coming towards me. I looked up to him and he got worried from how I was dressed and he knew I was malnourished. He invited me back to his barn to let me rest and even work for him if I wanted. He dropped down from his horse and asked if I wanted to sit on his horse but I refused. 

I've technically met Sir Canada because when Sir Mexico was walking with me to his barn, he stopped by while sitting on his horse and went to say hello to Sir Mexico. He noticed me even when I was hiding a little bit from Ashley and Sir Canada greeted me by tipping his front hat gently and had a warm smile. I knew he was the sheriff since I could see his star but he seemed quite young to be one. He also scared me since I noticed the same scar on his nose bridge like my mother's. But while I was looking intensely on his scar, he didn't seem to be hurt by it. 

When Sir Mexico and I finally arrived at the barn, I was screaming internally when I figured out he was a groom. He invited me towards the kitchen and gave me a hot plate of lentil soup and a slice of bread but made it clear that I could grab more. I thanked him multiple times but waited until he left the room so I could quickly swallow the whole dish without making a scene. 

I decided to take the proposition that Sir Mexico gave me and it could help with my fear on horses. He was very happy with my announcement and gave me a place to rest for free. It was small with only an old dusty dresser and the roof was slanted but it was cozy and it was mine. There is a connecting bathroom and my door room had a key. He let me get used to it and decorate it however I wanted. There was a light switch but I preferred to use a lantern since it brought me closer to home. Another light source came from the window and I took out my sleeping bag out and laid it down next to it so I can wake up from the sun. 

I washed myself before meeting with Sir Mexico and he quickly explained what I had to do. He said that I could meet the horses and warm up to some of them if I wanted. But majority of my work was just refilling the food bowls and keeping the place proper. I thought that I would be able to finish everything before the sun goes down but I was exhausted after every single day. But I was happy having a roof over my head and something to do every day. Sir Mexico also seemed happy to have more time to groom the horses. 

I would try to pet them but I would always get scared by how hard they were breathing. Except for one horse. She was so gentle and didn't breath hard on me or lick my hand, even letting me pet her mane. I would regularly braid them whenever Sir Mexico would be away. To this day I still haven't got caught. 


I promised myself that I would never open up to anyone. Sir Mexico never force me to open up, he only had pity on me. But I was wrong with Sir Canada. I felt like I knew him very well like an old friend. 

I was amazed at how well he was able to control his power. I really wanna learn how he did it but I was confused at his explanation. 

-Maybe you should try to concentrate on me! I first started out focusing on France before I held my gun. Try using your imagination. He smiled and hid his gun. 

I nodded and turned to him. I hold tightly onto the wooden plank and focused on his face. At first I tried to imagine him with the skeleton, not feeling anything, but my mind did wandered away.

To last night. 

I could feel my cheeks burning up by taking time to really look at his face. Comparing his smile to his smirk noticing he doesn't show his teeth when he smiled and he bit his lower lip when he smirked. He was very patient with me and he leaned his head to the right since I was taking a bit too long.

-I can't concentrate... I said and he came closer to me.

-What's wrong? Is it the sun? He asked and gently grabbed my shoulder to turn me to the other side. Is this better? 

-No... I whispered and he leaned closer to me.

-Why? He played along by whispering as well, finding it amusing.

-Maybe it's better to ask Sir France for help!

I pulled away and ran towards the hole and squeezed myself inside.

The Wild West (Countryhumans)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora