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(Ukraine's POV)

Sir Canada was pulling me to the department. I noticed USA talking with a tall lady with a fiery red dress. So much ruffles on the skirt. I let Sir Canada to drag me since he could do what my mother will never be able to.

He opened the door and Sir France was about to sit down with a coffee cup in his hand. He looked at us weirdly but chose to ignore it and sat down on the chair and lift his legs to rest on the desk.

-You look like a mess, Canada. He said and grabbed a paper. 

-Right. He said and closed his eyes to calm down.

I tugged to make him noticed that he was still holding me. He opened his eyes and turned to me. He let me go but held on my shoulders to push me towards Sir France and he looked up from his paper.

-What's with you Canada? Why are you jumping up and down? He asked and dropped his legs from the table.

I wanted to hide behind Sir Canada but I didn't dare to budge. He was holding me in place by his hands. He pressed his chest on my back.

-Ukraine has powers as well! He exclaimed happily.

Both of them turned to me. Sir France seemed skeptical and Sir Canada had a wide smile. I didn't know what to say so I only nodded to the older sheriff.

-Go get yourself cleaned up. Find Mexico as well, would you? Sir France got up from his seat and drank up his coffee, having a small reaction when it was too bitter.

He nodded happily and ran up to the stairs, all excited. Sir France walked up to a dark corner of the room and grabbed something from a shelf. 

-Here, read this. He dropped it on his desk and the air was hard to breathe.

I nodded and walked towards it and he grabbed a pen and paper. He sat on the chair and I stood in front of him, the book unopened.

-Alright, I want you to read what you see out loud. He explained and was ready to write.

-... Why?

There was a pause in between us. He looked up to me as if questioning his authority was a crime.

-My grandfather had visions as well... He started to explain. He owned this special book that changes between everyone. I can't read it for you. I will write down what you see and try to understand. He stared at me waiting for a response while I tried not to look at his blind eye.

Sir Canada came back down with a cleaner outfit and waved to us as he left the building. I turned back to the book. I opened it but there was nothing written. Sir France motioned me to keep flipping. I obeyed until I saw some texts.

-"The vision you have might give you a scare, unless you try to control it. Not the easiest one to do, but you're surrounded by people who are helping. Imagination might not be your thing, nor focusing, so try getting creative by feeling it." I looked up when I finished and he was writing down the words.

-... Feeling it? He talked to himself. That's new.

-How can I force it? I mumbled to myself.

-Maybe feel your power taking over? But I can confidently say to not give up! This is the hardest part, after this stage everything will go smoothly.

I closed my eyes and I could hear the clock ticking. Just like in the barn, a wave of feelings ran around my body. I opened my eyes and I could see that everything was blue, an outline forming around Sir France. He was just a skeleton. I grabbed his sleeve out of excitement.

-You're a skeleton. I exclaimed happily. I didn't get scared!

I let him go and looked around. This was the longest time the vision stayed. I looked around and noticed how many people were there. Through the walls!

-There are more skeletons and they are just walking around! They don't even know that I can spy on them.

I turned to him and took a deep breath and felt the flood ran out from my fingertips. I turned to him and he had a smile. He crossed his arms on his chest and leaned on the table.

-Does Canada know?

-Yup! Sir Canada knows. I nodded and he looked perplexed.

-Sir Canada? You call him with "Sir"? He asked and I looked around.

-Of course. Out of respect! I explained.

-And he didn't say anything? He questioned and I shook my head. Huh, weird.


-Normally he would be sad when someone calls him "Sir". Makes him feel old. He chuckled and I got embarrassed. I guess he makes exceptions.

-I'll have to teach you the basics. He continued and shrugged to me. Plus, I have to make Nada and Mexico train their own power.

-Wait, Sir Mexico?

-Yeah. Oh right! You work with him. I overheard that information when he said it to Nada last night. He mumbled off and got up. Come, let's go.

-Where? And why? Why are you helping me?

-Because you have a power like us. It's quite hard to learn all alone about your power. And it would be a shame if you don't learn it. Oh, and this.

He took a letter out from a bunch of papers and threw it on the table. I looked down at it then shifted my eyes to him. I started to read while Sir France explained.

-Do you remember the man that Canada tried to fight to stop him from stealing the money? He started and I nodded. Well, I have an enemy as well. But she's much younger that me. She send me a letter the night where there was a shootout against me and her. And when I thought she ran off, I slept on that couch and somehow without me noticing, she slipped in and left it for me.

-But, this is a threat! To blow up the Claypool's mansion. Well, their past mansion. But, it's in the middle of the forest, doesn't Bellwood city owns it?

-Yep. But it doesn't matter who owns what. The threat is basically to blow up the forest, leaving Archdale city to become abandoned if the fire spreads out, which it will. It would destroy the communication but more importantly, the houses of multiple animals.

-... When is it?


-Tonight?! Does Sir Canada know? I was getting worried and I couldn't control my voice from raising.

-I was going to but then you rolled in. And I need as much help as I can, I'm getting old.

He told me to follow him when he finished writing down on a piece of paper for Sir Canada. I followed him behind and he closed the door. I looked around for USA and the fire lady but they were gone. 

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