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(France's POV)

-Sir France! I heard Ukraine calling me and I turned my head towards her. 

Jeez, I barely had time to throw objects at Mexico before she came back. Did Canada even taught her how to ride a horse? I made sure Mexico was fine hanging upside down on the roof. He gave me a thumbs up and I told Canada to make sure Mexico doesn't hurt himself. 

-How was it with Canada? I walked towards her and she played around with her fingers.

-I couldn't really understand what Sir Canada was saying... Why would you ask me to work with him?

-Do you not like him? Does his charisma not work with you? I looked in between them.

-No, it isn't that. But you have more experience. 

-Ah... The simple reason is that your power is almost the same as his. Do you want to try with me? 

-Yes please.

I nodded and she smiled to me. Happy that I was willing to teach her. I pulled her aside since I knew the two boys were going to throw around wood to each other. I didn't want to risk hurting Ukraine. 

-What didn't you understand from Canada's explanation? I asked before sitting down and Ukraine followed me.

-He kept saying that imagination was important. He said that he could control time or whatever. She explained and I noticed her cheeks were red.

-Are you embarrassed from not understanding?

-... A bit. How do you control your power?

-Same as him, a bit. However, I don't have a strong imagination like him. I imagine where the sound is coming from. But I focus much more.

-Oh... She mumbled and looked down and bit her fingernail.

I knew she felt sad for not understanding, especially when I was eavesdropping when she was opening up to Canada. But I understood my power by reading the book. And time, it plays a big part. She knows what she had to do, I know it. So I had an idea. It's a stupid and for sure it's not a the best one, but what else do I have?

-Alright, since Canada's and my analogy doesn't work. You will have to work alone. I said and got up and took out my hand to pull her up.

-Hmm? So what will we do? She asked and I walked towards the hole, seeing the sun setting down.

-We will be going back down, grab some lanterns. Kill two birds with one stone.

I turned to Canada and Mexico, explaining where I was going and they nodded to me. I slipped out from the hole and I made sure Ukraine was following me. It was clear that she was still hesitant with being near the horses. Destine saw me and got up from laying down and he prepared himself to let me to sit on him.

-What are you doing? She asked but I couldn't hold my sarcasm. 

-I'm going to go join a circus. I stated and she rolled her eyes. Here, use the stirrup. Hold your left hand on the pommel and pull your weight up. Make sure your toes are pointy so you can push yourself up. Destine won't move, I promise.

She slowly went to hold the pommel and I let my horse lick my hand to calm himself. She looked up to me to make sure he won't move and I nodded to encourage her to keep going. She followed my order and swiftly sat down on the seat with both of her legs on the same side. 

-Perfect! I congratulated her and she was happy with it. Slide yourself to the back. 


She slowly went back to make sure that Destine won't react badly. I did the same thing from her and I crossed my right leg over slowly to not accidentally knock her out by kicking her head. I told her to wrap her arms around my waist tightly since we were in the mountain.  

-Whenever we are in need to rush away, you will need to be quick. Canada would normally be the one who will grab you.

-Grab me? Why Canada? She questioned and I ordered Destine to move. 

-Hold on tightly, it's going to be bumpy. I ordered before answering and she tightened her arms around my waist. 

I focused a bit more on the trail since Destine was jumping around down some boulders. He kicked some little pebbles from his back legs. I looked behind me to Ukraine to make sure she was fine. I could see some stress and I could feel my waist being tightened by her arms. As long as she could feel how to ride a horse, I'm fine with whatever she does to calm herself down.

-I want Canada to grab you for two reasons. Firstly, Canada's horse, Ashley, is much more stronger than mine or Mexico's and has more stamina to continuously run with two people on her. Second, Canada has a history of carrying heavy animals to store on his horse whenever we go hunting. I'm getting old so if we are ever in a rush, he can quickly sweep you up to sit on his horse. 

-Oh, okay. 

Destine took one last jump down on the ground and he needed to take some breath. I looked to the sun and it was setting. I was pissed off that she didn't give me more time to get ready but either way, I need to make sure she doesn't blow it up. 

I ordered Destine to continue to run towards the department and people walked away from seeing me rushing. I shifted my right leg to the left even before my horse stopped and dropped down. I hitched him and raised my arms towards Ukraine. She hold onto my shoulders and slid down while I slowed her down to give her a gentle drop. 

I unlocked the door since Canada locked it and turned on the light. She went inside and waited patiently for me to tell her what to do.

-Would you mind practicing alone for a short while? I'll be back soon. I said and she nodded with a smile and turned around, making me face her back. 

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