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(Mexico's POV)

I saw Ukraine taking care of the horses and I smiled to myself, I got lucky with having her. Taking care of the barn or ranch was hard all alone especially when I'm all alone. I heard the door knocking and I went to open it. I saw Canada nodding to me signaling that they were back. I ran following behind him crossing the bridge connecting my barn and the bank. He unlocked the door and it was a bit dark. He went towards the wooden rails leaning over to find America. I turned around myself and I saw in the dark corner of the room America standing with a smile. He saw me and I turned to try to warn Canada.

-Cana-! I called out but I was too late. 

I felt America hit my head with the butt of his gun and I fell on my knees. My head was moving around and I tried to get back on my feet but my legs were trembling. I was conscious enough to listen. 

-Put back the money boys, I only have one thing in mind. I heard his voice mocking and I saw Canada trying to hold his eyes to America's. 

-America... He said through gritted teeth and his eyebrows frowned.

I took deep breaths and I got onto one of my knees and I dragged myself. I crashed my body onto the wooden wall and calmed the throbbing pain. A commotion happened between them and I watched in fear Canada risking his life by pushing his wrist up to the sky to not get shot. With anger in his eyes, he punched his neck and America gasped for air. Canada ran to the opposite side of where America was. They started to have a shoot out and I decided to stay away from this fight. 

With Canada's ability, he pulled away from his hiding spot and from the outside perspective it seemed as if he didn't take a second to shoot, always getting a perfect shot. America jerked back receiving a gunshot and Canada pined him on the wall. 

There was a silence when a bullet was shot. It was so close to Canada and I stunned watching him kneel down in front of America, covering his stomach. I'm surprised at how he was still alive. America pushed him down to lie on his back and pointed his gun to the sheriff's head.

I forced myself to move and tackled him off from Canada. I tried my best to fight him but since I had barely any experience of fighting with my bare hands, he easily pushed me off. He got annoyed enough to leave. 

I huffed and everyone rushed over to help Canada with his wound. I let him be since he had enough people around him and when no one was watching, I got back out from the door and took a breath. I heard from the barn metal clanking together and I rushed over.

I saw Ukraine who seemed in distress. But even then she was rushing to take her leg out from the bucket. 

-Ukraine, are you alright? I asked and she looked at me with wide eyes.

Before answering me she looked around and jerked back. I turned to where she was looking and the horse was just eating. I walked up towards her and gave her my hand to help her. I pulled her up and went towards the fallen objects while she dusted off the dust on her dress. 

-I-I'm fine, thanks.

She helped me picking things up in silence and put back everything as quick as possible. I decided since she was new here, I could rant a bit to her.

-Canada has been quite crazy lately. He keeps acting as if he keeps getting younger. I complained and gave her the metal horseshoes.


-Oh right, you're new. Canada is the sheriff, my best friend that I talked about from time to time. I explained but I was pretty sure she would know by now. How he would walk around and everyone addresses him by his name.

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