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(America's POV)

Last night was crazy but this morning was surprising. I turned into USA and I wore my dress and tied up my hair as usual. Last night when I came back into the hotel, before she left she gave me another bag. She told me to swear on my life that I will take care of it. She wouldn't explain it but told me to meet up at the gun dealer store. She then climbed out the window and disappeared in the dark with her horse. 

I grabbed the two bags and walked out the hotel. I saw a fiery dress girl swinging the puffy dress around with a group of musician players playing on the street. She was so bright and her skin as well. She had an eyepatch and her hair was tied up into a proper bun. I stopped by near the gun dealer and I leaned on the wall. I gently dropped the bag.

The fiery girl saw me leaning on the wall and I gave her a smile. She came up to me still swinging around her dress and she smiled to me.

-This will be perfect. She said and I was weirded out.

-Excuse me?

-It's me, the "dark girl".

I didn't answer at all. Her face was split with red, yellow then red again. Her eyepatch had a crown and it was yellow. I was taken aback at how bright she was compared to normally. She laughed at my reaction. 

-Wait, so do I get your name? I asked and she shook her head.

-My name does not matter. She said and walked closer to me. It's what I do that matter. Come, let me explain what we will be doing. But I need to change. 

She giggled and raised her shoulders and walked away. I ran towards her with the bags. I whistled for my horse since I know he was in the city. Before I could run to my hideout, she said to come and meet her at the mansion and petted my horse's neck. 

She ran towards the sea and I went towards the forest. I dropped down from my horse to grab new clothes. I opened the trap door and slid down, shutting it in when I entered. I really needed to wash my clothes but with the dark girl, I was running around having no time at all. 

When I finally found new clothes, I stripped away my dress and wore my shirt and pants. I controlled my breathing and while my eyes worked to change, I tried not to gag as much at all. The waist enlarged to be more masculine and my muscles tensed up. I should get going by now and I pushed the trapdoor open and dragged myself out with the bag. 

The mansion was famously known to be haunted since it was abandoned. A popular story was that the Claypool family got killed by the government long ago since they were making moonshines illegally and since there were no more Claypools, no one could say anything. However, the moonshine story was true, a bunch of documents were released in the news that came from the sheriff.  My father and I have already went to the mansion once and it feels nice to come again. I could remember the halloween night where it became a spooky house. But none of it scared me since I knew God would protect me.

My horse was eating peacefully the grass and I got onto him. I was supposed to continue on the hit list that the God has given me to complete. That way my father will be able to continue his trail up to heaven, three more people and that includes Canada. Thank God Father Jack made me the list and God himself to make the people on the list have a big scar on the nose bridge.

I stopped in front of the door and dropped down from Mischief and I saw the dark girl sitting on the porch. She saw me and her outfit was completely different and became the dark girl that I remember. I could only see one eye and everything was covered. But even then I could not take the image of her with the fiery dress out of my mind. 

-The dress is so I could go around the city to learn about it so that I can rob it. As well as just go around and steal some fruits or, if I was nice, pay for the fruit. She explained and got up from the stairs. 

The walls were thin but we still agreed that it would still be better to talk inside than just out in the open. We climbed up the big stairs but we made sure to not to step on the mold parts of the stairs. 

-You can drop the bag in there. She pointed in a room and I obeyed.

I opened the door and was surprised at the dynamite hill and I gently took the dynamites that was in the bag out, placing it on the hill. The air was stuffy so I opened up the window to let the air in and blew off the dust a bit. I walked back to her to ask her if she could explain what and why we were doing this. 

-Last night, I placed a piece of paper in the sheriff department on France's office. He was on the couch sleeping and no one was inside. I could've killed him but what's the fun in that? My plan is to detonate this big mansion, causing a big fire, making sure Archdale city will get abandoned. She explained with a proud voice. 

-All that for what? There's still a chance you won't be able to kill off France. 

-He made a dramatic entrance as well. I'm just giving him karma. She shrugged and I looked around.

-Are you sure you have everything? I asked while walking around. I need to try to sell the carriage.

-They always buy it. You did clean it up, right? She made sure and I nodded.

-Yeah, but I got caught a bit.

-What? By who?

-Don't worry I befriended her. She's very nice. But you didn't fully answer my question, do you have everything?

-Yes , all the dynamites are in there. Calm down.

I was feeling a bit paranoid because I know for a fact that there was no way France would be coming here alone. We went back to the dynamites so that we could start wiring them and spreading it out around the mansion.

-France will get for what he did. Dark girl said and I didn't give back my opinion. 

I went to close the door since it was starting to get cold.

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