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(America's POV)

After killing my companions out of the woods out of anger, I grabbed a box. I looked around where we were and smiled to myself when I was sure I was alone. I went to grab the bag that was full of money that I told to leave. They didn't listen. I didn't need them at all but it was great to have some just in case. I hid my gun and called my horse. He arrived and I climbed on him, telling him to get going even before I fully sat down. I stayed standing up a bit and ordering my horse to go faster and further away. 

I arrived to my hideout and slowed him down. I pushed away the rocks and opened a trap door that was covered by dust on top on it and threw the money in. I pushed the dusts on it to cover it so no one finds it. I took out my lantern to see clearly in the dark.  

I opened the box and saw my outfit. I closed my eyes and controlled my breathing. I did my best to ignore the disgusting part, I could feel it in my body. My organs rearranged themselves to make my waist thinner. My eyes were the worst part, it doesn't hurt at all, but it feels creepy. The optic nerves detached from the eyes and my original black eyes rolled back in the socket. My eyeballs were separated into two and the "normal one" came out. The sclera was white and my eye color was baby blue. When that horrible experience finally ended, I felt better. My hair suddenly grew more and arrived to half of my back. I could push out even more, as much as I wanted, but the I would feel bad for cutting them. To make sure I don't get recognize by Canada or anyone, my flag completely left the blue square with stars and it was just red and white lines.

I took off my hat and bandana and accessories. I started to unbutton my dirty and sweaty shirt and throwing it into the box. I took out the beige and white outfit and I wore the white blouse before covering it with a sleeveless beige vest. I smiled feeling the waist being formed to fit as if I was a girl. I got up and slipped my long skirt over my legs that was still covered with my pants. I tied the strings at the side of my waist and undid the button from the pants. I pulled the pants down and shoved it in the box. I straightened my outfit.

-So, you can shapeshift. A voice called from the shadow and I jumped.

-What the fuck man! I shouted and saw someone move in the dark.

I brought the lantern towards it and the light showed his form. He got up from sitting and everything was covered from head to toe in black. I could only see one honey colored eye shining in the sun light. He walked slowly to me and circled around me.

-I would've really believed that you were a girl, if I didn't see what I saw. The voice was pitched, higher than a man's so I knew it was a girl.

-Are you one yourself? I asked, putting the lantern dow since she didn't take out her gun and I backed off to tie my hair in pigtails to braid them. 

-A girl? I am, but I bet you thought I was a man.

She stopped and stood in front of me, shorter than me but her aura was strong. 

-What are you doing here. I threatened her and dropped my hands down to my waist.

-I was waiting for you. You know, sleeping over here with your horse out in the forest isn't the perfect hideout. I want what you want.

-And that it?

-To end our bounty on our heads. You know, the bounty that sheriff Canada placed on you? The night sheriff did that to me. 

-Night sheriff? There's a night sheriff? I asked dumbfounded at learning that fact.

-Of course! What, you thought that Canada works 24 hours?

She scoffed and walked towards where she came from. She grabbed a black open bag and dropped it near my feet. My eyes almost dropped off from the socket seeing all the guns. Explosives and a bunch of melee weapons. I bend down looking sometimes up to her to check if I could and she took out her gun to make sure she could fight me off. I looked down and picked one up, opening the bullet barrel and it was full. 

The Wild West (Countryhumans)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz