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(France's POV)

Seeing Canada so reckless last night made me ask myself if I really trained him to the fullest. But each time my mind keeps racking somewhere else. I felt as if I hadn't been doing anything. I hope I didn't let him down. Hopefully his stitches aren't undone because it would be a pain in the ass to pay some more.

I know I probably shouldn't leave the department like that, but Canada was already awake and walking around so I know I can trust him. He's too agitated to go back and rest in his bed. I walked out and locked the door.

I looked around if anyone was near me or spying on me. I walked behind a building and didn't follow the main road, grabbing my horse that was tied. I hopped onto him and gently poked her with my heel to make him move. The dust flew behind us since I wanted him to go as fast as possible. The road was sometimes blocked by barriers but my horse jumped over them, keeping a fast pace.

I covered my face with a piece of cloth to keep the dust away from my nose and mouth. I slowed down when we arrived and there were crows flying around my head. They knew me for so long that one dropped down and stood on the butt of my horse, seemingly unbothered by the movement.

-Sorry, no bread crumbs for you today. I was in a hurry. I talked and rubbed his cheek.

He leaned onto the touch as my horse slowly walked to the usual spot under the tree to get some shade. I got off him and kicked the pebbles. I forgot to bring flowers. I took off my gloves and folded them neatly. I packed it in the compartment that the saddle had.

-Sorry guys, I didn't bring any gifts. I said to the gravestones. But you're dead... So...

I grabbed the brush for the horses and poured water on my wife's gravestone and I scrubbed it to get rid of the stuck dirt. I got rid as much as I could, drowning it with water and I wiped the sweat from my forehead from the heat. I turned to the three smaller gravestones and did the same thing. I dropped my stuff on the ground and wiped my hands on my pants.

-I keep trying to hide you guys... I said and kneeled down in front of them, with my wife being in the middle. I hope you guys don't find me rude or evil from up in heaven.

I couldn't see well with only one working eye, the right side of my vision being completely pitch black. That's the only reason why I mastered my power, just for the sake of survival. But even then it wasn't enough, the scar wasn't enough pain. Taking away my family and the only partner I actually liked.

I've already murdered the killer of Canada's parents. I wish I could be at peace with all of them. I've massacred the South West sea shipment since I had my suspicion that they killed my family. When a pirate gang came up to me and confirmed my intuition, I was ridden with rage and took down the whole forty plus men and women. I couldn't just leave yet because of Canada, but now, I still can't because of the girl. 

-I hope you don't find me pathetic as a husband, and a father. But be grateful that I came back to clean up the gravestones. I continued and couldn't hold myself with my snarky comments.

-... No matter what I do, I can't show anyone this side. I'm sorry. I truly am. I couldn't protect you, even when I promised you my life, yours got taken instead.

I walked closer to my wife's gravestone and carefully ripped off the weeds. I sat down since squatting was making my knees hurt. I heard buzzing and whipped it away with my hand, slapping my neck. Even if I can't see it with my right eye, my ears could clearly hear them.

-Canada got shot. He suddenly lost his mind and drank till his heart was content. It reminded me of myself. Now instead of an alcoholic, I'm addicted to smoking. Which one is better, smarty-pants? I laughed and looked up to the gravestone then back down to the ground.

-I already know what you're going to say... Both of them are bad! You need to stop, France! I mocked her voice and smiled. But how can I when everyone is gone?

I stopped picking and my hand was covered in dirt. I crawled towards my kids and picked out as well. I talked about my day with a smile on my face and brushed off my hands.

-I'll take care of Canada's father and mother gravestone. It's been a while. Oh! And I'll come back with roses for all of you.

The crows cawed loudly in the sky. I looked up to them and I didn't want to leave. I can't just take my life now, not when Canada needs me. Not when that bastard is still alive.

-I can't be with you right now, I've got something else to take care. I said and stared straight to Britain's gravestone.

-I love you.

I rubbed the top of her gravestone and pulled myself up on my horse, petting the side of his neck before leaving.

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