Chapter 74: Serena Vs The New Team Rocket!

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Their laughter is soon cut short by and overly happy "Pika Pika!!!"

The trio look to their left to see the baby sat in her high chair, excitedly scoffing down her breakfast that Brock specifically made for her this morning to help with her growth and development.

Her smile only grows wider as she takes a bottle of ketchup off her side and pours more over her pokemon food, leaving it covered in her favourite sauce.

Sylveon smiles at her child's enjoyment as she takes another bottle and pours ketchup over her mate's food, causing the original Pikachu to let off a happy squeal as well in appreciation of Sylveon's thoughtfulness. With the ketchup family having heir special treat mixed in with their food, they are completely overjoyed.

Serena giggle as she watches her cute baby Pokémon continue to eat in a mucky way, getting ketchup all over herself. She shakes her head and exclaims with a small smile on her face "She's certainly enjoying your nutritious baby mix Brock. I'm really glad we put that bib on her too because she's getting ketchup everywhere. Maybe I should give her a bath after, I don't her to smell too bad."

Brock smiles a little as he watches the baby and remarks "It's no problem. I'm really glad she enjoys that specific blend. Honestly speaking, she's really healthy and strong for her age. Although, I'm not convinced that much ketchup is good for her."

Ash let's off a small sigh as he replies in a resigned tone "Well there's no taking it off her. She's too much like her dad. But hey, he uses a bottle a day and he's grown up to be pretty strong I'd say. Maybe ketchup is good for a Pikachu?"

Brock shrugs his shoulders as he remarks "Well maybe your right. I still find it odd that Pikachu has an adopted daughter. But it's pretty wholesome some to see and honestly intriguing. They are quite a trio, and probably the most human pokemon trio I've met in terms of how they raise a child."

Ash smiles a little as he admits "Yeah they are, it's not everyday you see a pokemon in a high chair with a bib on. But that's how they chose to raise her and we all bought into that. That's why me and Serena treat her how we do."

Brock seems to be onboard with the way the amour couple are choosing to treat the baby, giving off a small smile as he remarks "Well it's certainly not a bad thing. It's just not how wild Pokémon raise their kids but that's to be expected. Sylveon and Pikachu are well trained so it doesn't surprise me. They've been with you guys along time so it's only natural they'd pick up human tendencies."

Serena smiles a little, while admitting to herself in her head that she's a huge culprit as to why baby Pikachu is 'babyed' so much. She is her first and only baby Pokémon so she originally treated her like she would a human baby and now it's sort of stuck.

The Kalos queen lets off a small giggle to herself before she exclaims in a happy tone "Well as long as she's healthy that's the main thing. Anyway, where are we going today?"

Ash smiles a little as he explains "We've got a pretty long walk down the next route, but it should lead us straight towards Cerulean city. The path ahead should be pretty straightforward to be honest. Only really bug type Pokémon occupy that route and their mostly peaceful. It should be another stress free relaxing day."

Serena takes in her boyfriend's point and certainly hopes that's the case. She could certainly do with a nice easy day, not having to spend time battling evil and instead just relaxing as they trek together through the forest with her hand grasping Ash's tightly the whole time.

She soon shakes off her little hopeful fantasy as she questions with clear happiness in her tone "Well in that case, we should probably get moving soon if the walk is going to be so long. Perhaps we could even reach Cerulean city by nightfall if we make good time? A nice warm shower and a comfy bed to sleep in sounds quite appealing."

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