Start from the beginning

Byron cleared his throat. This time, he didn't look scared of her. He actually looked excited. Harry, too.

[They must be book nerds.]

She shouldn't be surprised. After all, Byron and Harry were both from a scholar family. They must have inherited their bloodlines' love for books.

"Your Royal Highness, I would like to recommend the Ancient Tongue by Sir Lucas Weston," Byron said proudly. "It's a history book that tells the story of the magical kingdom that apparently existed before the Moonasterion Empire was built. Allegedly, the ruler of that kingdom was a demon lord that pretended to be human. The book suggests that the Solanian Language, the language that the royal family speaks, came from this kingdom."

She covered her mouth with her hands when she yawned.

Of course, she had already read that book. She could also speak and understand Solanian in her first life, although she must be rusty by now. Maybe she should study the language again and learn some Solanian cusses that she could throw at the emperor if she needed to.

"Can you speak Solanian, Brother Byron?" she asked, then she spoke the language. "[If you can understand what I'm saying right now, then we can discuss that book.]"

To be honest, she didn't know if her pronunciation was correct because it had been a long time since she spoke Solanian. Even in this lifetime, the emperor had never talked to her using that language. Maybe her father thought she couldn't speak Solanian because she didn't have a Language teacher yet.

But it looked like she didn't have to worry whether her pronunciation was right or not. Based on the clueless look on Byron's face, it looked like he didn't understand what she said.

"I apologize, Your Royal Highness," Byron said, his cheeks red from embarrassment. "I will be more careful in choosing a book next time."

"It's okay, Brother Byron. This is just our first book discussion anyway," she said, then she turned to Harry. "How about you, Brother Harry?"

"I brought a geography book that depicts the expansion of the empire throughout the years, Your Royal Highness," Harry said in a somewhat shy voice. "But I think we should discuss the book that you want to talk about for our first discussion, Your Royal Highness."

Byron nodded in agreement.

Heh, this was the moment she was waiting for.

"But Your Royal Highness, I don't think you brought a book with you," Byron said with furrowed brows. "Or is it in this library?"

She smirked at that. "Brother Byron, I��m the book," she said proudly, then she pointed a finger at her temple. "I don't need a physical book because the story that I will discuss with you is imprinted here."

"Ohh," Byron and Harry said in unison, both looked excited.

[In the end, they are still kids.]

After she threatened Byron and Harry for bullying Lewis, they learned their lesson. Their arrogance was gone and they didn't look down on her butler anymore. Now, they were acting like puppies because of their love for books.

[I won't disappoint you, my children.]

"Before I begin, you must take an oath of silence first," she said, acting like she was dead serious. "The story that I will share with you today is a story passed down to the children of the royal family. But since Brother Byron and Brother Harry are friendly with me and Lewis now, I decided to share it with you. But only if you promised that you won't share it with anyone else. Because if you speak of it to another soul, you'll get cursed."

Byron and Harry gulped at the same time, then they both nodded. "We promise to keep this a secret, Your Royal Highness."

"Good," she said with a bright smile. "The "book" that I'm going to share with you is an Epic that depicts Friendship, Effort, and Victory."

She loved J*mp's concept, okay?


"The story is called Blondecat Chases Edgelord to Hell," she continued with her storytelling. "Blondecat is a ninja who grew up in a hidden village called Maple Leaf. If you don't know, a ninja is a covert mercenary. Anyway, Blondecat is an outcast because unknown to him, a monster was residing in his body..."

She stopped and glanced at Lewis who still had a blank look on his face.

To be honest, she was about to say that the monster was a nine-tailed fox. But she remembered that Lewis came from a fox clan so she just didn't specify what kind of monster that was. She didn't want her son to think that he was a monster.

Neoma cleared her throat before she continued her storytelling. "That monster destroyed their village in the past and so, Blondecat grew up being hated by most people. Because of the maltreatment that he experienced, he became a troublemaker. He declared that was he was going to be the next Ultra Ninja. But when he entered the ninja academy, he met his rival– Edgelord." She leaned forward to capture the boys' attention even more. "Now, do you think it's possible for Blondecat and Edgelord to work together in a team?"

[Sh*nen J*mp, please don't sue me.]


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