Grumpy Beginnings

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I woke up to the sun in my eyes. I sit up and stretch for a bit. Morning stretches hit different.

I pick up my phone and see no notifications. Well no surprise. I get up and walk into my new closet. I pick out an outfit and head to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and do my other daily things.

I finished and walked downstairs. I saw Devi and Milo laughing on the couch. I saw Alex in the kitchen sitting at the island looking at his phone with a angry look on his face?

"Hey!" Devi said and sat up. "Hi." I said back and smiled. "Morning." I told Alex and got a glass of water.

He gave me a dirty look. At least he acknowledged me? Right? He can be nice for once like it's really not that hard.

I wanted to go out today with Devi. I walked up to Alex and tapped his shoulder. "What?" He rudely asked. "Can I go out today?" I asked.

"Where?" He asked not looking at me. "I wanna get my nails redone." I said. He took out his wallet and threw me 2 hundred bills. "Thank you!" I said and walked to Devi.

"Wanna get our nails done?" I asked. "Uh, yes!" Devi said and got her shoes on. I waved at Alex but he ignored me once again. I'm kinda giving up on him.

We got in the car and drove to the nail salon. "What nails do you wanna get?" Devi asked me. "Im not sure. I gotta look on Pinterest." I said.

When we got there I sat on my phone for a bit looking at nails. "Those are cute!" Devi said pointing to a picture. "Yeah they are. Imma get those." I said and grabbed my wallet. Devi smiled and got out too.
My nails were super cute.

__________________________________My nails were super cute

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I walked over to Devi and we payed.

I got in the car and took a look at her nails. "So pretty!" I said. "Thanks!" She said.

(If you wanna make the girls switch nails it's okay, or you can picture different ones)

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(If you wanna make the girls switch nails it's okay, or you can picture different ones)

We made it home and we went up to Milo. "We got our nails done!" Devi said and walked over to Milo hugging him. "Oh! Cute!" He said looking at her nails.

I looked over at Alex and he looked annoyed. I can't anymore. If he's not going to be a good person then fine.

Then two girls and one boy walks in the house. "Hey guys- are these your wives?" The girl asked.

Milo nodded and stood up. "This is Devi. She's mine. And other there is Rory Alex's- yeah." Milo said. I waved politely.

The girls ran up to me and hugged me. "I'm Eleanor call me El! And this is Quinn." El said and Quinn smiled.

"Over there is Flynn. Quinn's boyfriend." Flynn tripped on his shoes and waved shyly at us. I can already tell they are good people. I waved back and smiled. "I have to say you are gorgeous!" Quinn said and looked me up and down.

"You are more gorgeous." I laughed. She hugged me again. Who even are these people anyways? We walked over to Milo and everyone else on the couch.

We sat down and got to know each other. "So where are you guys from?" Quinn asked. "Georgia." Devi said. "Wow." El said shocked on how far it was. Devi and I nodded in agreement of "wow".

Alex got up and headed toward us. "Flynn, Milo we gotta go. Rory stay here." Alex said and left. Me? Why not also Devi. I didn't care was gonna stay anyways.

"Uhm. What about me?" Devi asked as they left. We all laughed. "Why is he so cold hearted?" I asked Quinn.

"He's always like that. He has never shown affection towards anyone. El, Flynn, and I have known him for, forever and he hasn't shown affection to any girl. Even the girls he hookups with." Quinn explained.

"So it's not just you." El made me feel better. "I hope so." I said. We all agreed and started taking about ourselves.

"Im gonna go finish unpacking. It was so nice to meet you guys." I walked upstairs. "We're here very day so get used to us!" El yelled and laughed.

I smiled to myself as I closed my door. I got my suitcase and started unpacking.
I was finally done and i grabbed a book and sat on my bed. The book was when you were mine I love this book. I put my AirPods in and play some music.

30 minutes later I was still reading when I got interrupted by someone knocking on my door aggressively. "Come in!" I said not taking my AirPods out.

"I came to get papers and I'm leaning again." Was that Alex? I looked up and it was. I took a AirPod out. "When will you be back?" I asked sitting up more.

He scoffed. "I don't know?" He said in a aggressive tone and like I asked a dumb question.

"Oh okay." I stuttered and went back to reading. He shut my door and left. He is so cold hearted. I mean I get treated like this by my dad but when it's not my dad it kinda hurts. If he was just going to be rude why tell me your leaving?
After a while I got bored and put my book away. I went downstairs and saw the girls watching a movie. They were watching to all the boys i loved before I love that movie.

"Can I watch?" I asked. Devi nodded and made room for me even though it's a huge couch. I snuggled up next to them.

El came back with a lot of snacks! I looked at the clock and it was 1:40am. Alex still wasn't home.
I wasn't fully asleep but I almost fell asleep. My eyes were dropping.

I heard the front door opened and heard Alex, Milo, and Flynn's voices. Flynn took a glance at everyone and laughed. "Milo can you take Devi she is passed out." Flynn said.

Flynn knew Alex wouldn't carry me to my room because he's cold hearted so he didn't bother to ask.

Milo picked up Devi and brought her to her room. Flynn also fell asleep on the couch. He fell asleep really quickly. Is their job that exhausting?

I couldn't fall asleep. Flynn was not fully asleep and Alex walked around the couch to me.

He's prob gonna whisper some rude shit. But no. He took the blanket off me and picked me up carefully.

He brought me upstairs in my room and covered me in my blankets. He didn't wast a second to get outta there. But why did he do it? Just to get me out of his way? To be nice? I'm not sure.

Author's note:
This chapter is a little short so I'll post another but Alex is PROBABLY BIPOLAR HIS MOOD CHANGES ALL THE TIME??? Anyways😜 hope y'all enjoy

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