Moving away from this drama

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Rory's POV

I woke up and looked on my computer. I saw that I had to leave for college in a few days. I should start packing. Also i wasn't planning on telling Alex. I was but he wouldn't let me go.

I walked downstairs and saw Milo and Devi play fighting. I decided I'm gonna tell them. Hopefully they wouldn't tell Alex.

"Hey I have something important to say." I said. They brought their attention to me. "Yeah of course." Devi replied. Milo looked at me confusingly.

"Is Alex home?" I asked. Milo shook his head. "So I'm moving." I broke the news. I couldn't dare to see their reaction.

"Why?" Milo asked. Devi got up and hugged me with no questions. Milo looks really upset.

"To get away from Alex, my dad, also so I can go to college." I sigh. "Why Alex?" Devi asked.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. Tears started to crawl down my face. I held them back. I can't cry now. I wasn't sure if Alex was worth crying for. "He cheated on me." I whispered with a croak in my voice.

Devi immediately hugged me again. Milo got up and hugged me too. "Why wasn't I enough? I thought we loved each other." I cried.

"I know you don't wanna hear this but- maybe love isn't always enough." Milo admitted. I nodded. He's right. Love isn't always enough. But I thought with Alex and I, it was enough.

"Well I'm moving in like 2 days." I said. Devi gave me a big hug. "I'll miss you so much." She said. "Me too." Milo said also.

"Please don't tell Alex." I said. "Oh of course." Milo said. Devi agreed.

"Well I'm gonna start packing." I said and walked up the stairs. I turned around and saw Devi crying in Milo's shoulder.

I kept my head up. This is for the best. For me.

I packed one bag it was full of clothes I didn't need for 2 days. My head was throbbing. I needed sleep.

I climbed in bed and scrolled on my phone. I scooted to the other side of the bed so my back was facing the door.

I shed a few tears but toughened up. I set my phone down and closed my eyes. Sleep got rid of the pain.

Not even five minutes later I hear my door open. Hopefully it's Milo and Devi. But it was Alex.

I could sense his presence and I could smell his scent. I cold goosebumps just knowing he's behind me. I don't dare look at him or open my eyes.

I fell the bed dip next to me. Then someone pulling my hair back. I shivered at the sudden movement. My lips started to quiver. I felt a lump in my throat. I wanted to cry.

I turned around and Alex was there. My eyes met his. "I would like it i you left." I said.

"Listen I'm sorry." He replied. "You don't get to come in my room and act like everything is okay and touch me!" I raised my voice and got out of bed. I was so hurt it just turns into anger. I didn't want to be angry but it hurt so much.

He sat up. "Can I just explain?" He asked rudely. "I think those texts said it all." I crossed my arms.

"Sit down and let me fucking talk!" He yelled. I gasped a bit. He never yelled at me like this. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing.

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