Mafia intruder (alex's pov)

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Today I had to go back to work because they are having some trouble keeping he business safe.

I woke up with Rory sleeping right next to me. She was all over me which was the best feeling. I never wanted to leave but I had to.

I got up and went to my closet. I put on my suit and put a note on my closet. Take anything you want from here. I stuck it on the closet because whenever I'm gone Rory usually takes one of my sweaters.

I grabbed my keys and wallet. I quickly rushed out of there hoping not to wake anyone up. I got on my car and drove to work.

I really wanted to stay home to take care of Rory because of her dad. I had no idea she loved her dad? Even if I knew I would've still called the cops.

I just can't stand seeing her getting hurt. I know it's not about me but I knew she couldn't do it either. Anyways I made it to work and everyone kept rushing to me.

"Sir there are many chances of a break in." One of my coworkers told me. I slightly pushed him off of me. "Señor señor! Necesitamos màs guardias!" My Spanish coworker called out. "Ok voy a conseguir mas." I replied back. I knew a lot of Spanish. Due to my mom.

I rushed to my office and got more guards around the place. I also wanted more guards around my house so everyone in my home wouldn't get hurt. Especially Rory.

I looked at my paperwork a lot of people gave me and chances are really high. I looked under one paper and saw an envelope. Who sends envelopes?

I opened it and it was from Carlos? Who the fuck is Carlos? I read it and I was furious and worried.

Dear Alexander, I know where you are... I will not let you take Aurora from me. I know where she is. I will shoot my shot whenever I can. Maybe I'm already there...

What the actual fuck? I rushed to my phone and called Rory. It waited 3 rings until she picked up.

"Jesus. What do you want?" She asked. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Uh yea? Why? What's going on?" She asked. "I'll tell you when I get home." I replied. "Oh okay bye-" I accidentally hung up after bye. What was she gonna say? That doesn't matter right now.

I was so stressed out. All I could think about was Rory. I was worried about her. Who is Carlos? I should've asked her. It's fine. I need to calm down.

Then my secretary walked in. "Yes Grace?" I asked. She came super close to my desk. She hopped on my desk sitting on it. I can't lie she's hot but not a great personality. I know she likes me. I used to like her until I heard about the arrangement.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted company?" She seductively asked. "No I'm good." I rejected. "Alright I'll be here when you want." She smirked at me then left.

I cringed. She knew I USED to like her. I don't think she knows that I'm with Rory. Well I don't know officially if I'm with Rory. All I know is that I do want Rory.
I was packing up my office when red sirens started going off. Fuck we have an intruder.

I grabbed my gun and ran out of my office. I looked around and there was just one man there holding two guns. "Who the hell are you?" I asked.

"Alexander. I'm Carlos." He said. Carlos? Like the letter guy? "What do you want?" I asked. "Told you in the letter." He said. "Get the fuck out before I kill you." I ran up to him and held his throat.

He smirked and nodded. I let him go and he ran out of my work. Jesus. He wasn't playing around. "Fuck." I said and got all my things and ran out of my work place. I rushed home.
I made it home and rushed up to my room. Hopefully Rory was still in there. I slammed the door open which startled Rory.

"God Alex? What is it?" She asked. I let out a deep breath. She was okay. I sat on the bed and rubbed my face in frustration. Did I make it here before him?

Rory sat up and rubbed my back. "Alex what happened?" She asked. "Someone intruded today and gave me this." I gave her the letter. But then I took it back immediately. "Actually I'll just tell you." I didn't want her to know who the person was.

I read her the letter. "Who is it from?" She asked. "Doesn't say." I said and out the letter in my pocket. "Well I'm safe and I'm here so no need to worry." She responded.

I nodded. I sighed. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and got up. I'm guessing she went to her room.

Then a knock appeared at the door. Rory rushed down but I stopped her. "Let me get it. Stay back." I said. She followed me but stayed back.

I opened the door and saw a letter. If it's that Carlos guy I will hire anyone to find him and kill him. No I won't but still.

I opened it and read it. Oh no.

Dear Alexander and maybe Aurora, I know where you live obviously. I can't wait to see you on the floor dead and Aurora in my arms with my again. Time is running out...
From, Carlos.

Fuck fuck fuck! Oh no. This isn't real is it? I put the letter in my pocket and closed the door and locked it. He knows where I live and he knows that Aurora is with me. "Alex what did it say?" Rory asked.

I shook my head and leaned against the door in shock and worry. This is one of those times where I'm weak and can't move. The thought of Rory with whoever that guy is makes me scared and I can't even explain it.

My breathing gets heavier and faster. I can't feel anything. "Hey hey hey. It's okay what happened?" Rory asked rubbing my back trying to get me to calm down. I try to match her breathing but I can't.

"Alex breath." She said. I finally match her breathing. "Can you tell me what happened?" She asked. I shook my head. I'm not letting her get worried.

I'm not going back into work without knowing that, that Carlos guy is away. "I'm not going back into work for a while." I said. She nodded and brought me upstairs.

She placed me on the bed. I was still breathing a bit heavy. She went into my closet and picked out not work clothes. "Here. Go change." She said. I got up and went into my bathroom.

I took the letter out of my pocket and left. Rory was in her room doing something. I quickly out the letter in my drawer so Rory wouldn't find them. I want to keep her safe no matter what.

I walked out and went to her room. "Can I sleep with you?" I asked. She nodded and opened the covers for me. I slipped my shirt off and went into bed with her.

She was laying on her back as I was laying on my side admiring her beauty. I turned her head to face me. I placed a kiss on her lips. Our lips moved slowly in sync.

Rory got on top of me and started kissing me intensively. God. Her hands moved down my abs which made me hard.

She kissed down my lips to my neck. I held her hips tightly as I turned us around making me on top of her. Her hands were tangled in my hair. My hands were holding her cheeks.

I brought he legs around my waist. She turned us back around making her on top of me. She let go. "Alright we should go to bed." She laughed. "Probably." I laughed. She got off of me and fell asleep in my arms.

Author's note:
Lol this chapter is shitty too😜 it's fine thooo

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